Daily Express

I’ve had seven children but only two were mine

JENNIFER SCOTT HITCHCOCK has been a surrogate mother to five babies. She tells us why she does it

- Interview by ELIZABETH ARCHER Jennifer is raising money for a memorial at justgiving.com/ crowdfundi­ng/butterfly

JENNIFER, 33, is a carer who lives in Perth, Perthshire, with her husband Justin, 38, a driver, and her children Ellie, 14, and Cael, 11

AS I looked down at the newborn baby in my arms my heart swelled with pride. Despite a gruelling 12-hour labour, seeing her face made the pain worthwhile. But even though she’d grown inside me, it wasn’t my little girl I was holding. For the past nine months I’d carried a baby for someone else.

I’d always been fascinated by surrogacy. My older sister Michelle remembers me talking about it aged seven. I’m not quite sure what prompted these thoughts but they stayed with me into adulthood.

I married in 2002 and had my own children Ellie and Cael. However the marriage broke down and in 2006 I married my second husband Justin.

Early in our relationsh­ip I told Justin, who has three children from a previous marriage, about my dream of being a surrogate. He wasn’t keen.

Surrogacy was still a taboo subject in the UK and for him it conjured up images of dodgy back-alley transactio­ns. But the more we looked into the process the more he realised it was relatively safe and simple.

In 2008 I joined an agency called Childlessn­ess Overcome Through Surrogacy, which matches childless couples with potential surrogates.

Every couple there deserved a child so it was difficult to know who to help. In the end I chose an older couple from the south of England and when we met for the first time in late 2008 I knew I’d made the right decision.

We clicked instantly and over the next few months we chatted constantly on the phone. It took two attempts at IVF but in May 2009 I found out I was pregnant.

THANKFULLY the transplant procedure was simple and I didn’t get any side effects from the hormone medication, although some women suffer headaches.

In February 2010 their little girl was born weighing 7lb 4oz. Although she had grown inside me we looked nothing alike.

When I handed the baby to her parents they were overjoyed. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room and I was filled with pride thinking: “I did that. I made that family.”

After a few days they went home to start their new life together. Though I felt a bit lonely after they’d left I knew I’d given them the most wonderful gift.

However my journey as a surrogate was far from over. In 2010 I met my second couple through the agency. I got pregnant after the first round of IVF and the 12-week scan showed I was having twins, a girl and a boy. Everyone was over the moon.

In April 2011, when I was 34 weeks pregnant, I went into labour but sadly the girl twin was stillborn due to an infection, which happened after my waters broke early.

We were all heartbroke­n but glad one of the twins had survived. After that I left the agency but continued to

speak to couples about surrogacy through a Facebook forum. There is little informatio­n about surrogacy in the UK and they were grateful to hear from someone who’d been through it.

It’s illegal to pay a surrogate in the UK but women can recoup expenses such as maternity clothes and loss of earnings, which for me can be as much as £5,000.

One couple I spoke to already had a child from surrogacy and wanted another.

When we met a friendship developed instantly.

Once Justin met the couple he agreed to let me help them. In October 2013 I gave the couple their second child, a baby boy.

After he was born I told myself it was the last time. However I continued speaking to couples online.

The joy I get from giving a couple what they desperatel­y want is addictive and I find it hard not to offer to help. My own children have grown up with me being a surrogate so to them it’s normal.

In 2015 I met another couple desperate to have a baby. My heart broke hearing how badly they yearned for a child and I offered to be their surrogate.

In February 2016 an embryo was transferre­d into me and I fell pregnant straightaw­ay. But 25 weeks into the pregnancy I had excruciati­ng pain in my stomach and was taken to hospital.

MY PLACENTA was coming away from the lining of my womb and I was losing massive amounts of blood. It was a race against time to save my life and the baby’s. The child was born 14 weeks prematurel­y and rushed to intensive care.

Doctors fought hard to save her but tragically she died after 19 days. The baby’s parents were devastated and so was I.

What had happened occurs in one in 100 pregnancie­s and sadly I was in the one per cent, even though I’d been checked over by my GP before the pregnancy.

Now, although I’ve recovered physically, the emotional scars are still very raw and I’m raising money to build a memorial for the little girl that we lost.

If her parents wanted to try for another baby I’d be a surrogate again but other than that my surrogacy days are over to focus on my own family.

Until my pregnancy went wrong I didn’t realise the full extent of what my body was being put through. In total I’ve spent nearly three years of my life pregnant with other people’s children.

There is risk involved but nothing beats the joy of giving someone a child.

Even now I find it hard not to offer when I hear someone is having trouble conceiving. But I have to realise I can help people in other ways.

I’m proud to have realised my dream of being a surrogate and to have brought joy to so many people.

After all, not everyone can say they’ve given birth to seven babies, only two of whom were their own.

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 ??  ?? PICTURE PERFECT: Jennifer has the support of husband Justin and her children, Cael and Ellie
PICTURE PERFECT: Jennifer has the support of husband Justin and her children, Cael and Ellie
 ??  ?? BABY LOVE: Jennifer is proud to help
BABY LOVE: Jennifer is proud to help

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