Daily Express

Pensioner who drove despite poor eyesight is jailed after killing girl, 3, on a crossing

- By Geoff Maynard

A PENSIONER who killed a three-year-old girl weeks after being told to stop driving because of poor eyesight has been jailed for four years.

John Place admitted causing death and serious injury by dangerous driving after he hit Poppy-Arabella Clarke and her mother Rachel on a pelican crossing.

Place, 72, was not wearing his glasses and only stopped when forced to by another driver after the incident in Sutton Coldfield.

Yesterday at Birmingham Crown Court, Poppy-Arabella’s mother and father Phil – who are unable to have any more children – spoke of their grief at the loss of their daughter.

And their lawyer called for a “Poppy-Arabella’s law”, which would require medical profession­als to report to the DVLA any people unfit to drive.


In a statement the parents said: “On July 6th 2016, a beautiful summer day, little Poppy-Arabella, after a lovely morning playing with mummy, was excited to be heading to nursery to see her friends. Poppy-Arabella and I never got to nursery. Mr John Place smashed into both herself and her mummy whilst we were in the middle of a pedestrian crossing, with lights having been on red for many seconds.

“He did not swerve, he did not brake and he did not stop. He was only brought to a stop by a quick-thinking motorist who pulled into his path.

“Mr Place had been told three weeks before the collision to stop driving by two optometris­ts after falling far below the required eyesight standards set by the DVLA, even when he was wearing glasses.

“He had stated in his consultati­on ‘he needed to continue to drive’ even though his optometris­t explained his eyesight was not good enough and his insurance may not be valid if he is involved in an accident.

“Despite understand­ing everything that was said to him, it was clear to the optometris­t he was ‘stubborn and would continue to drive’.

“As a result of Mr Place’s selfish behaviour, a beautiful day became a scene of devastatio­n.

“Our little girl lay bleeding with catastroph­ic injuries and her mummy too with serious injuries. Little Poppy-Arabella fought an incredibly brave battle at the roadside. She loved life and wanted to hold on to it, but she lost that battle at 6.50pm that evening, her mummy, daddy, her grandparen­ts and her cuddly rabbit Ra Ra by her side.

“While Mr Place was today given a four-year custodial jail sentence, we have been left with a life sentence without our little girl, whose entire life was stolen from her in a fraction of a second. We will miss her forever, we will love her for always. All drivers, you have a personal responsibi­lity to heed medical advice, to ensure you are fit to get behind the wheel.

“Likewise, close family members have a duty of care to intervene before it is too late.”

They went on to thank those who rushed to help after the incident.

The family’s lawyer, Richard Langton, said: “A lasting legacy would be Poppy-Arabella’s law, requiring any medical profession­al aware of a person’s inability to drive safely to report them to the DVLA so that their licence is withdrawn.”

Detective Sergeant Paul Hughes of West Midlands Police said: “I hope that this case sends out a message that you have a personal responsibi­lity to heed medical advice and to ensure you are fit to get behind the wheel.”

 ??  ?? Poppy-Arabella Clarke was hit on a crossing. Left, her mum Rachel, with husband Phil, leaving court yesterday
Poppy-Arabella Clarke was hit on a crossing. Left, her mum Rachel, with husband Phil, leaving court yesterday
 ??  ?? Place’s car is removed from the scene of the tragedy
Place’s car is removed from the scene of the tragedy
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Place had been warned to stop driving
Place had been warned to stop driving

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