Daily Express

Juncker does not speak for majority of Europeans


THE UK will have “the choice to eat what’s on the table or not come to the table at all” according to European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker. That’s his way of saying that all Theresa May can expect from the EU is a take-it-or-leave-it offer designed to punish us for leaving.

The arrogance of Juncker and his fellow Eurocrats knows no limits. It is unbelievab­le that this unelected functionar­y thinks it is his place to threaten the Prime Minister for daring to implement the will of the people.

But it is not just here in Britain where Juncker’s words will have gone down badly. This country is a major export market for the rest of Europe. The prospect of a trade war will terrify European businesses reliant on selling their products here.

Just imagine the anger of French wine makers or German car manufactur­ers at being told the EU might prevent them trading freely with Britain.

National leaders, who rely on good relations with their business communitie­s, will also be less than impressed with Juncker’s rhetoric.

Since the referendum there has been a stark contrast between the aggressive stance taken by unelected EU officials and the conciliato­ry note that has been struck by elected national leaders.

When Juncker and his fellow Eurocrats threaten Britain they are speaking for themselves and not for the millions of sensible people across the EU who want to see a deal that works for everybody.

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