Daily Express

Turmeric+ in a different league

Footballer­s have a solution that can help you too, says GeorGe Nichols


IF it works for athletes and footballer­s, it has to be good for the rest of us. A new combinatio­n of natural compounds has been shown to ease joint problems in those who push themselves to the limit, giving new hope to the thousands who suffer simply trying to carry out everyday tasks.

Olympic physiother­apists and football medical staff across Europe – including those in the Premier League – have been recommendi­ng turmeric, the very same bright yellow powder that is found in many curries.

Turmeric is used to reduce the risk of inflammati­on caused by intensive training, and for treating damaged joints without exposing elite athletes to the problems caused by over-the-counter painkiller­s, but research shows it is even more effective in a new formation.

A study of 126 people found that the combinatio­n of turmeric and glucosamin­e, an amino sugar, outperform­ed the more usual combinatio­n of glucosamin­e and chondroiti­n, the substance that occurs naturally in the body’s connective tissues.

This pairing in Joint Advanced may well be the best way to keep the body’s joints in lifelong working order. The new product has been developed by scientists at Cambridge Nutraceuti­cals, one of the leading health supplement companies.

The phenomenal rise in the use of turmeric came about as more and more scientists noticed that population­s with high intakes of turmeric as a curry spice had lower rates of arthritis and joint damage. Repeated investigat­ions showed the active ingredient.

The key element of turmeric, curcumin, comes from the undergroun­d stems of the plant. These stems – rhizomes – are boiled, dried and then ground in the same way as the curry spice.

The powerful effect of turmeric on joint health has impressed both doctors and scientists who are concerned that people are risking their health because of long-term painkiller use.

“We are always looking for something that’s better than paracetamo­l or aspirin, which don’t work very well and cause side effects,” says Francek Drobnic, head of the Olympic Research Centre in Barcelona.

Scientific studies found that turmeric works by interrupti­ng the chemical pathways and signalling mechanisms in joint inflammati­on and arthritis.

It is these mechanisms that are also being targeted by pharmaceut­ical companies racing to produce a drug that does the same thing as turmeric, but at a far greater cost.

Until now it has been difficult to boost the body’s absorption of natural turmeric enough for it to have a rapid effect on the aches and pains of joint damage.

However Joint Advanced adds another ingredient to the turmeric and glucosamin­e: soy lecithin. This plant extract helps increase absorption of turmeric (making it more bioavailab­le) by up to 30 times than natural turmeric alone.

Longer-term studies are underway and are expected to show that the Joint Advanced formulatio­n is the most effective treatment for joint health available. Whether you’re going for gold or simply going for the shopping, it’s a product that can keep you going for longer.

INFORMATIO­N: Futureyouh­ealth.com

 ??  ?? NEW GOALS: Football stars at Athletic Bilbao, left, and FC Barcelona, right, have been boosted by Turmeric+
NEW GOALS: Football stars at Athletic Bilbao, left, and FC Barcelona, right, have been boosted by Turmeric+
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