Daily Express


Our top new astrologer RUSSELL GRANT talks Strictly, the Royal Family and Breakfast TV

- By Adrian Lee

GROWING up in the late 1950s, the thud of the daily newspaper on the door mat was always eagerly anticipate­d by young Russell Grant. He was an avid cricket fan who’d pore over the scores and dreamed of playing for his home county Middlesex. That wasn’t to be but something else that caught his eye on the pages had a much more profound effect on his future. Russell became fascinated by the horoscopes and bought himself a teach-yourself-book. It’s funny how life can sometimes turn full circle. That newspaper was the Daily Express and starting today Britain’s bestloved astrologer is joining us to write a daily column. You could say it was destined to happen.

The 66-year-old has been reading the star signs – or sun signs as he prefers to call them – for more than 50 years. But it was a chance encounter with the Queen Mother in 1978 that transforme­d astrology from a sideline into a career.

At the time he was fronting an exhibition by the British Astrologic­al Society and she happened to visit his stand. The Queen Mother was intrigued and Russell ended up compiling an astrologic­al chart for her. After that he was in constant demand and in the 1980s he was one of the original faces of BBC Breakfast TV, alongside Selina Scott and Frank Bough.

“It was the most wonderful time but until then I was going to be an actor,” says Russell, who also had a stint as a Butlin’s redcoat.

“Astrology was only a hobby. I went to a local drama school and I was playing the London Palladium 40 years ago with Tommy Steele.

“My strengths lay in comedy. Had I not met the Queen Mother, there’s no doubt I would have carried on being an actor.”

Later he was also introduced to Princess Margaret and Diana, Princess of Wales and became known unofficial­ly as “the Astrologer Royal”. He adds: “I first met Diana at the Royal Variety Show in 1984 and she was absolutely beautiful. I’m not going to go into the astrology but she was kindness personifie­d and most approachab­le.”

AT THE time it was a radical idea to have an astrologer on daytime TV but Russell was a huge success and at one stage received up to 1,000 letters a day from viewers anxious for guidance. He had a larger-thanlife on-screen persona with a fondness for wearing multicolou­red sweaters but away from the cameras he has always been much more reserved.

“Breakfast television was the making of me,” he adds. “But for the pilot I was dressed in a subdued silk shirt and waistcoat. The jumpers were the idea of my boss at the time who wanted a lightenter­tainment feel. As soon as I could possibly finish with them I gave the jumpers to charity. They’ve all gone, trust me.”

These days he’s passionate about raising funds for Alzheimer’s and dementia charities. “Some would call me a crusader to find a cure for these conditions,” explains the astrologer, who watched helplessly as his grandmothe­r Alice was claimed by Alzheimer’s. It was his grandmothe­r who looked after Russell during his childhood while his parents worked at Pinewood Studios: his mother doing contracts, his father a set designer.

Alice’s death, after nine years helping to care for her, plunged Russell into depression. That dark period lasted for about five years from 2003 when he gave up appearing on TV. “She was a terribly important part of my life. I watched her become a different person. She couldn’t speak at the end. It was too cruel. When I lost her, I went downhill and my weight went up to 27 stone. I’d also go to bed early to sleep because I couldn’t cope any more. By sleeping the day goes more quickly.”

He developed Type 2 diabetes, there were a couple of heart scares – which he describes as “warnings” – but dismisses reports he became suicidal: “One day I thought ‘I can’t go on like this.’ I asked myself what was missing in my life and it was theatre and showbusine­ss.”

He began walking to get fit, eating more sensibly and shed a remarkable 11 stone. Russell credits appearing on Strictly Come Dancing in 2011 as being a major turning point. Partnering Flavia Cacace, he made one entrance in typically outrageous style by being fired from a cannon before sailing through the air suspended by wires. It has been reported that he begged to appear on the show but, his voice rising a few octaves in indignatio­n, he retorts: “That’s such a lie. They approached me!”

The show rejuvenate­d Russell, who lives in Snowdonia, North Wales, where he enjoys walking and goes to the gym five days a week.

“It would be overdramat­ic to say it saved my life but doing Strictly was marvellous for me. It gave me back my confidence and I loved every single moment. It was a time of renewal and rebirth.

“Strictly makes you realise that if you accept a challenge and throw your heart and soul into it you can achieve anything. After that I did a number of big West End shows, including the Wizard Of Oz at the Palladium. My life has certainly gone up a gear since Strictly.”

Recently, showing yet another string to his bow, his adult colouring book The Art Of Astrology was a top seller. He also loved being on Celebrity Masterchef.

He’s clearly a man of many talents and even considered going into politics before thinking better of it. But for most people Russell Grant will always be inexorably linked to astrology. Is there any danger of his craft going out of fashion? “Goodness, no,” he insists. “It’s been around for 6,000 years.”

IF ANYTHING the internet has made horoscopes even more accessible but he’s keen to dispel a few myths about the abilities of astrologer­s. “The proper side of astrology is based on your date, time and place of birth. It’s basically a chart unique to you. Then you’ve got popular astrology, which is based around the sun signs and is less specific.

“There is a misconcept­ion that I predict the future. I don’t. I provide guidance and advice then it is up to the individual whether or not to follow it. I can’t tell anyone exactly what’s going to happen in their lives. I get absolutely fed up with being told, ‘You didn’t see that coming.’ There are still people who judge astrology without understand­ing it.

“My approach hasn’t changed over the years but you do learn more about interpreta­tion. Astrology is a science and an art – the science is in being able to compute the charts and the art is in the interpreta­tion.”

Russell, who made a triumphant appearance playing Diana Ross on this year’s Comic Relief, is a selfconfes­sed football and cricket “anorak”. One of his future projects is a book about the history of football in Middlesex. He has also got a pilot for a new BBC entertainm­ent programme and will be presenting a documentar­y about the search for a cure for Alzheimer’s.

Throw a summer theatre show celebratin­g the music of Richard Rodgers into the mix and he’s going to be a busy man.

Russell Grant has endured some tough times but there’s no doubt he has got his mojo back. Read your horoscope today on page 42.

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 ??  ?? SPARKLING: Russell today, above; Strictly, right; Breakfast TV in 1983, left
SPARKLING: Russell today, above; Strictly, right; Breakfast TV in 1983, left

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