Daily Express

Heart surgeon ‘raped woman

- By Robert Kellaway

A TOP heart surgeon raped a woman in his office after telling her “you owe me” for helping her sick child, a court heard yesterday.

The alleged victim told how Mohamed Amrani, 53, was still in his operating theatre gown as he forced his tongue in her mouth and kissed her neck and ears.

She said the consultant surgeon then stripped her naked and said “I’m going to **** you”.

When she begged “please don’t do that”, Amrani turned her around and said he would carry out a degrading sexual act on her, the Old Bailey heard.

He then sat her down on the sofa in his office at Harefield Hospital in Hillingdon, west London, and forced her to perform another sex act, the jurors were told.

The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said she was left feeling “very, very shaken” but felt she could not report the incident because of Amrani’s position at the hospital where his wife Clare also worked.

She is one of four women he is said to have attacked during a campaign of “sexual bullying” at the hospital from 2001 to 2014.

Amrani was reported to police in 2015.

Yesterday Amrani’s third alleged victim said he had been “an absolutely brilliant surgeon” when her child fell ill.

She said: “He started saying ‘you owe me for the help I gave you’. He said it in a jovial way and I never thought anything.”

The woman said she visited Amrani’s office on September 4, 2013. She sat on a sofa while he took a seat at his computer.

“He came off the computer, came over and started kissing me,” the woman said.

Asked by prosecutor Peter Clement what was going through her mind, she replied: “Complete shock. Disbelief.” Amrani then

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The hospital where Amrani works
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