Daily Express

Mother and son injured in horror

- By Michael Knowles

A MOTHER and her teenage son were stabbed to death at their home in a frenzied attack yesterday which also left the boy’s father fighting for his life.

Detectives said the suspected killer, who was arrested shortly after the attack, “may have been living” at the property. He is not related to them.

The victims were named as Tracey Wilkinson, 50, Pierce, 13, and Peter, 47, as forensic teams searched their home in Stourbridg­e, West Midlands.

Emergency services said nothing could be done to save Mrs Wilkinson.

Pierce died on the way to hospital after desperate attempts to save him. Both mother and son were found with “very serious wounds”.

Company director Mr Wilkinson was found in the garden with stab wounds to his chest and back and was last night critically ill in hospital.

Detectives said a man in his 20s was arrested in a stolen Land Rover in a nearby lane, 30 minutes after the bodies were discovered.


Two police officers received minor injuries in a collision when it hit a police car.

The couple’s daughter Lydia is believed to be away studying at Bristol University.

Mr Wilkinson’s parents, John, 72, and Wendy, 72, spent the day at the hospital where their son is being treated.

A neighbour said: “Their world has just come tumbling down. They are completely heartbroke­n. They are a retired couple and Peter was their only son.

“They just looked in a state of utter shock this morning. I don’t think they can comprehend what has happened, how could you?

“They have lost a grandson, a daughter-in-law and are now facing the prospect of losing their son. We just pray he pulls through.

“It’s just truly awful what has happened and every family’s worst nightmare.”

West Midlands Police believe the incident was not a burglary or a robbery gone wrong and said the suspect was “known” to police.

Dudley Police Superinten­dent Lee Kendrick, said: “What has unfolded here this morning is horrific and heartbreak­ing.

“Police and ambulance were confronted with an awful scene: A man, woman and boy all with very serious stab injuries.

“Tragically there was nothing that could be done to save the woman and her son later died in hospital from his injuries.

“Our hearts go out to the victims’ family and friends at this devastatin­g news.”

Supt Kendrick said they are trying to establish the link between the suspect and the family.

He also confirmed that the police had been called from the property, adding: “There’s no obvious sign of forced entry.

“Clearly our investigat­ion is at a very early stage but we understand the suspect was known to the family and may have been living at the address, although he is not a family relative”, he added.

“We don’t think this burglary or a robbery.

“At this stage we are not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident.”

Neighbours yesterday spoke of their shock, describing the family as “lovely”.

Maggie Panes, who lives in the same road, said: “It’s absolutely tragic, my heart goes out to them. What sort of person can do this?

“My husband saw the police, ambulance and helicopter and he saw the car being pursued by police. I saw them come out of the house with two of them on stretchers and you could tell it was serious.”

A man, who did not want to be named, added: “Peter and Tracey have lived there for about seven or eight years. They were a nice, normal family. They were lovely.” was a

 ??  ?? Police inspect the Land Rover stolen after Tracey, Pierce and Peter Wilkinson were stabbed. Left, a floral tribute left yesterday
Police inspect the Land Rover stolen after Tracey, Pierce and Peter Wilkinson were stabbed. Left, a floral tribute left yesterday
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