Daily Express

The diet that battles dementia

Amid claims that a teaspoon of Marmite a day may help stave off Alzheimer’s we look at other superfoods that can boost thinking skills



IT’S the foodstuff that sharply divides opinion: you either love it or hate it. There’s no sitting on the fence. But Marmite - ophobes might want to think again. Scientists have announced that a teaspoon a day can help fight dementia-related memory loss as it contains high amounts of vitamin B12, believed to protect against neurologic­al disorders.

The little grey cells also benefit greatly from many brightly coloured foodstuffs and so the more shades of the rainbow you see on your plate, the better your longer-term outlook. Food for thought, indeed. Anthocyani­ns give purple and blue foods their distinctiv­e colours and help prevent cognitive decline. Blueberrie­s (which have purple juice) have one of the highest anthocyani­n contents and are believed to protect nerve cells from damage that can lead to plaque formation in the brain, which is a sign of Alzheimer’s.

It is thought that purple grape juice might prevent brain seizures and grapes and blueberrie­s are just two of the purple/blue foods that may be able to treat Parkinson’s disease.

Red onions (which are actually purple) are also fantastica­lly good for you, fighting everything from cancer to the common cold, and containing high amounts of sulphur that can enhance the amino acids the brain and nervous system need to function. They are widely used in the Mediterran­ean diet – one of the healthiest in the world.

Red cabbage is also really purple and has numerous health benefits, including preventing premature ageing and slowing down the onset of Alzheimer’s, again because it contains anthocyani­ns which are also present in strawberri­es, cherries, plums – and red wine. Cheers. Kale has a bit of a reputation for being the food of choice among ladies who lunch but it’s extremely good for the rest of us, too. It contains at least 45 different flavonoids, which reduce the risk of a stroke. Its omega-3 fatty acids boost performanc­e, memory and behavioura­l function. One of its antioxidan­ts is sulforapha­ne, which might help cognitive function, especially if the brain has been injured. Kale is also a source of folate, which can help infant brain developmen­t in the womb.

Another dementia-defying vegetable is spinach. A study into the eating habits of 950 older people revealed that those who ate leafy greens such as spinach and kale once or twice a day experience­d significan­tly less cognitive decline than their peers, even when other factors such as exercise and education were taken into account, halting their mental decline by 11 years. Your mother was right: eat your greens. Walnuts contain DHA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid that improves cognitive performanc­e in adults and helps guard against cognitive decline. They even resemble the brain, tying in with the theory that food that mirrors a particular body part is good for that part. They help lower blood pressure too. Almonds and hazelnuts are also excellent sources of vitamin E, which helps prevent age-related cognitive decline, while early research suggests that peanuts may protect against Parkinson’s disease. Mind you, nuts are calorific and obesity will undo all the good work so don’t overdo them. That is what John Betjeman called poetry but it is equally applicable to olive oil – another major component of the Mediterran­ean diet. It is a healthy fat and keeps the grey matter running smoothly. Its many health benefits include lowering inflammati­on, preventing heart disease and even treating depression. It protects against inflammati­on, oxidative stress and ADDLs, all of which linked to dementia.

Oily fish, including sardines and pilchards, are also excellent as they contain marine omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the likelihood of Alzheimer’s and boost brain function. Citrus are fruits, another brightly coloured class of food, will not only brighten your plate but your brain power too. They have numerous health-related properties overall but when it comes to the brain they contain flavonoids that are anti-inflammato­ry and thus guard against Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Tests on mice have revealed that flavonoids, including hesperidin and apigenin, improve brain function. Even Britain’s favourite dish can help in the fight against brain disease as long as it contains turmeric. The curcumin in it, which gives curry its yellow appearance, is known to act against various types of cancer. A study in Germany suggested that turmeric could encourage the growth of nerve cells after tests on turmeric-fed rats showed increased brain activity. It is early days but this might prepare the way for the developmen­t of drugs to treat strokes and Alzheimer’s. Chocolate is known to make you feel happy and so it should, given what else it does. The flavonoids in dark chocolate improve blood flow to the brain. It also protects the brain against free radical damage. Sweet news indeed.

 ??  ?? COLOUR CODE: Many brightly hued foods in your diet can help to keep your brain in shape
COLOUR CODE: Many brightly hued foods in your diet can help to keep your brain in shape
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