Daily Express

Love-sick priest who stole £50,000 is spared prison

- By Paul Jeeves

A PRIEST who stole £50,000 from his parish after falling in love with his housekeepe­r and buying gifts for her family yesterday avoided a jail term.

Father John Reid was supposed to live a simple, celibate life as a Roman Catholic cleric.

But he spent £1,200 on a canteen of William Turner cutlery, was a member of the Sunday Times Wine Club and blew £80 on oysters and smoked salmon while holidaying in Scotland.

Yet he walked free, despite a judge telling him his fraud was an “aberration” which persisted for more than 40 months while he was in charge of St Cuthbert’s Church in Chester-leStreet, Co Durham.

At Durham Crown Court Judge Christophe­r Prince gave the 70-yearold an 18-month suspended sentence after he admitted fraud by abuse of position at a previous hearing.

He has agreed to pay back £50,000 within three months.

The court heard that Reid told police he had fallen in love with his housekeepe­r, Gillian Leddy, and saw her daughters, Veronica and Alice, as the “the family that he never had”. Jane Waugh, prosecutin­g, said concerns were raised by parishione­rs in January 2013 about the finances.

The priest, now living in Stockton, had joined the parish in 2009 and accounts showed spending increased four-fold in some aspects and doubled overall after he took over.

When the priest was replaced temporaril­y, his successor said the presbytery was “in a terrible condition”.

Ms Waugh said: “It was dirty with large quantities of alcohol present.”

She said it looked more like a family home than a presbytery.

She said: “There was female clothing in the bedrooms and it was apparent females had been staying there.”

The court heard Reid had written more than 150 cheques to himself. When interviewe­d he had said: “The parish keeps me. Ultimately, I’m in charge of it so I can spend it.”

Christophe­r Knox, defending, said Reid expressed “great distress, regret and apology”.

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 ??  ?? Disgraced… Roman Catholic priest Father John Reid at court yesterday and the church in Chester-le-Street
Disgraced… Roman Catholic priest Father John Reid at court yesterday and the church in Chester-le-Street
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