Daily Express

Give baby ‘one chance of life’ pleads mother

- By Michael Knowles

THE mother of a baby with a rare genetic condition has pleaded with a judge to give the little boy his “one chance of life”.

Connie Yates urged a High Court judge to let their sick baby son undergo experiment­al treatment in America so he has a chance to “improve”.

Doctors think it is time to stop providing life support treatment to eight-month-old Charlie Gard, who suffers from a rare genetic condition and has brain damage.

Charlie’s parents, who are both in their early 30s, disagree.

A decision over whether to turn off Charlie’s life support machines is being considered by the judge in London.

Addressing Mr Justice Francis directly, Ms Yates said: “Charlie has one shot, one chance of life.

“Without this treatment, Charlie’s only alternativ­e is death. Charlie deserves his chance to improve and get a better quality of life.”

Postman Chris Gard and Ms Yates, of Bedfont, west London, want to be allowed to take Charlie to a hospital in America for a treatment trial.

The judge has been told that Charlie has a form of mitochondr­ial disease, which causes progressiv­e muscle weakness. A lawyer representi­ng Charlie’s parents said yesterday that Charlie would not suffer significan­t harm if he underwent treatment in America. His parents have raised £1.2million to pay for the treatment.

Earlier specialist­s at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London said Charlie is largely unable to move and has significan­t irreversib­le brain damage.

Debra Powell QC, representi­ng the hospital, said a number of “world-renowned” experts agreed. She said Charlie’s parents had given their son “complete and unwavering” love and support.

But she said Charlie should not get long-term life support treatment because his “quality of life” was “so poor”.

The judge will announce decision on Tuesday. his

 ??  ?? Connie Yates and Chris Gard raised £1.2m towards bid to treat Charlie
Connie Yates and Chris Gard raised £1.2m towards bid to treat Charlie

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