Daily Express



LABOUR MPs are braced for another thumping next month with Jeremy Corbyn expected to lead the party to another humiliatio­n in local council elections across the country.

Opinion pollsters predict his party could lose more than 125 council seats and relinquish control of Glasgow Council, the iconic citadel of “Red Clydeside”.

Labour is said to be struggling to beat the Tories in the race for the new post of West Midlands mayor, in what should be heartland territory. Even in London, where the bulk of the Lefty activists who put the shambling socialist in charge of the party reside, Labour is in danger of shedding votes by the hundreds of thousands.

Mr Corbyn’s team have been making increasing­ly ludicrous attempts to explain away disastrous electoral results.

After losing the Copeland parliament­ary by-election to the Tories, aides claimed that a victory in a contest for a single parish council showed Labour was making gains elsewhere.

Many of the Marxist activists backing Mr Corbyn simply do not care about losing elections. They see the entire electoral process as a capitalist conspiracy to keep the working class subjugated.

They despise their own party as a historic barrier to socialism and want to destroy it so a revolution­ary movement can rise from the ashes.

Labour’s moderates have little hope that a crushing defeat in the town hall polls on May 4 will finally drive their failed leader out of his job. Yet they are still ruling out splitting away from their Left-dominated party.

Mr Corbyn’s opponents are clinging to the hope that the 67-year-old leader will not be in his post for ever. They are even prepared to wait for a trouncing at a general election in 2020.

But there is no guarantee that the grassroots will not replace Mr Corbyn with another hard-line socialist endorsed by his Momentum support group. It may take years and the election of another Left-wing loser to convince the moderates to give up on the party.

By then the party may have suffered so many electoral defeats that there is hardly anyone left to walk away.

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