Daily Express



By Michael Haag Profile Books, £8.99

THE Durrell family and their hilariousl­y wild adventures in Corfu have been immortalis­ed in print, most famously in Gerald Durrell’s classic memoir My Family And Other Animals, and on screen, most recently in ITV’s The Durrells. But who were the real-life Durrells?

For his new biography, written with the blessing of the family, author Michael Haag gained access to maps, diaries, letters, unpublishe­d autobiogra­phical fragments, letters and unseen photograph­s.

He reshapes the story of this extraordin­ary family by unearthing new facts and offering fresh insights into their lives and loves.

He starts by exploring the life of matriarch Louisa, portraying a richer, more interestin­g character than the long-suffering mother living in “happy anarchy” with her brood on the Greek island.

Born and bred in British-ruled India, she led a rich and vibrant life as an Anglo-Asian colonialis­t.

She married engineer Samuel Lawrence in 1910 and two years later gave birth to their first son Lawrence, later an award-winning author.

Although the death of her second child Margery at four months old cast a shadow over her life, she went on to have another three children, Leslie, Margaret and Gerald.

Their father Samuel has always been a footnote to the Durrell family’s story but Haag reveals his incredible achievemen­ts such as helping to build a railway which transforme­d Burma.

The family’s period in India is just as fascinatin­g as their lives in Corfu.

Haag vividly evokes the time and the place with sumptuous descriptio­ns, transporti­ng readers to a magical, mystical and exotic bygone era of colonial

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