Daily Express

Scratch big poll result, says Turkish opposition


TURKEY’S main opposition has called for the result of the referendum giving the country’s president sweeping new powers to be annulled.

Bulent Tezcan, deputy chairman of the People’s Republican Party (CHP), said the party had been inundated with complaints from different regions, with people unable to cast their vote in private and some ballots being counted in secret.

But following the bitter contest, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned opponents not to “belittle” his narrow victory, adding: “It’s too late now.”

Mr Erdogan said the winning margin stood at 1.3 million votes – around 55 million people were eligible to vote – in a poll he branded a “historic decision”.

Backed by 51.5 per cent of voters, the parliament­ary system will now be replaced with an all-powerful presidency. The office of prime minister is to be abolished.

The “yes” vote could see Mr Erdogan, who became president in 2014, remain in power until 2029.


It also means he will be able to draft the budget, declare a state of emergency and issue decrees overseeing ministries without parliament’s approval.

The vote is expected to put further strain on the relationsh­ip between Turkey and the rest of Europe.

Mr Tezcan also criticised the High Electoral Board’s decision to accept unstamped ballots, something that is against the law.

The CHP is looking to challenge 37 per cent of the ballot boxes, claiming it “indicates a manipulati­on in the range of 3 to 4 per cent”.

Mr Tezcan said: “At the moment it is impossible to determine how many such votes there are and how many were stamped later.

“The only decision that will end debate about the legitimacy of the vote and ease the people’s legal concerns is the annulment of the election.”

People in neighbourh­oods across Istanbul – which voted against the proposal – banged pots and pans in protest at the election result.

OF THE Project Fear claims made before the EU referendum only one in 10 has come true according to new research. It is fortunate indeed that the British people were far too savvy to be taken in by the dubious forecasts made by David Cameron, George Osborne and their associates.

Yet still we hear Remoaners complainin­g about what they claim were “lies” told by the Leave campaign. This is utter nonsense. It was the pro-Brussels brigade who were guilty of peddling lies and indulging in outrageous scaremonge­ring.

As the economy, contrary to their warnings, goes from strength to strength this is only becoming more obvious.

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