Daily Express

My health is the most precious thing I have

The wildlife host and farmer talks to BUSOLA EVANS about getting older, insomnia and why her dogs are her personal trainers KATE HUMBLE


ASK wildlife presenter Kate Humble which animal she is most fascinated by and you would expect her to reel off one from a list of exotic species. Yet her answer comes as something of a surprise – the domestic dog.

The 48-year-old former Springwatc­h host has long been interested in the relationsh­ip we have with “man’s best friend”, so much so that she has written a book on the subject, Friend For Life, and she is particular­ly intrigued by the health benefits having a dog can bring.

“Dogs are so highly adaptable and clever and they make such good partners to us that we have been able to utilise them in so many ways,” Kate explains.

“They have been found to be invaluable in supporting whole realms of human health. From dogs which can support people with Type 1 diabetes and know when sufferers are having a hypoglycem­ic attack, to dogs being able to detect cancer in humans.”

Kate’s book research led her to spend time with the charity Medical Detection Dogs, which trains the animals to identify serious diseases, such as certain forms of cancer, and medical emergencie­s through any changes in a person’s odour.

“I have spoken to people in the military who say that even in this day and age there is no machine, no piece of technology that can beat a dog’s nose,” Kate reveals.

“The Medical Detection Dogs are doing really astonishin­g work that is life-changing for us humans and pioneering for the medical profession.”

Kate was so impressed by their efforts that when she was approached to be an ambassador for them, she didn’t have to think twice.

“I said yes instantly,” she says.

THE charity was started by eminent scientist Dr Claire Guest, whose dog Daisy detected her breast cancer by repeatedly prodding Claire’s chest with her nose. After finding a lump in the exact spot and going to her doctor, Claire discovered she had the disease. “Through that sense of smell, her dog saved Claire’s life and drove her ambition to clinically prove that dogs are able to do this in a way that is practical for scientists in the medical profession,” says Kate.

While Kate has been open about the fact she has never wanted children (“I just knew it wasn’t for me”), she has such an obvious affection for dogs that it comes as little surprise she has three – mongrels Bella and Badger and sheepdog Teg.

They all live with her and husband Ludo Graham at their home in rural Monmouthsh­ire where Kate also runs a working farm. She credits her canine trio for keeping her in shape, joking about them being her personal trainers.

“We go running or walking every morning and do two to three hours of exercise,” reveals Kate. “So we end up doing at least 10k every day.”

Looking at her youthful complexion it’s hard to believe that she will be 50 next year, not that it’s something she’s remotely concerned about.

“Getting older is inevitable and it’s not something you can do anything about,” she says cheerfully. “There’s nothing wrong with it as long as you look after yourself and you’re lucky.

“My good health is the most precious thing I have so I cherish it and do everything I can to try to keep it.”

As a result, while Kate is known for her casual approach to her celebrity, she is anything but when it comes to diet and fitness.

“I do an enormous amount of exercise. I’m very careful about what I eat and I don’t really drink alcohol. I haven’t drunk much for the past three years because I realise it doesn’t suit me any more. I don’t smoke. I’m impossibly boring,” she laughs.

“I have a physical job and lifestyle which I love and I want to keep doing it for as long as I can. I can’t expect to have a physical lifestyle by sitting on the sofa and eating chocolate all the time.”

Fortunatel­y Kate was brought up with an awareness of eating healthily which remains with her today. “I never ate out as a kid – we never had the money,” she says.

“But my mother always cooked and so we always had fresh, home-cooked food. And eating things such as sweets and cakes was never in our culture. So now I love home-cooked food and I’ve always eaten lots of vegetables and fruits because I really like them.”

HOWEVER Kate is only too aware that getting older has some downsides. “When you put weight on now, it’s a lot harder to get off,” she laughs. “And if you drink too much you feel rubbish not just the next morning but in my case for about a week.

“You become more aware that you can’t cope with the things you could cope with when you were younger. So if I don’t get enough sleep now I’m useless, whereas when I was younger I could party through the night and still sort of function the next day. I need a good seven hours sleep, ideally eight.”

Any lack of sleep these days is less likely to be caused by hard partying and more by insomnia from which she has suffered intermitte­ntly over the years. At one point she tried reflexolog­y to help ease the condition.

“I still get insomnia,” says Kate. “It’s not helped because I spend a lot of time travelling and working funny hours. I got back from filming in India a week ago, and I’ve had jet lag ever since.”

However she has now found mechanisms to cope. “One good piece of advice I was given was to stop stressing about it.

“I used to lie awake absolutely miserable but now if I wake up, I’ll just read a book or make myself a cup of tea.

“If it’s light, I’ll go for a run with the dogs, which is lovely at that time of day. So I’ve almost made a virtue out of it.

“I always believe in looking for the positives wherever you can.” Friend For Life by Kate Humble is published by Headline, £9.99

 ??  ?? POOCH PERFECT: Kate with her dogs and, left, with Ludo
POOCH PERFECT: Kate with her dogs and, left, with Ludo

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