Daily Express

Leo McKinstry


been shot dead by the SAS in County Armagh. Similarly, every year between 1986 and 1992 he attended the annual Republican commemorat­ion in London for dead IRA members and imprisoned volunteers.

Just weeks after the Brighton bombing Corbyn invited Gerry Adams, the president of Sinn Fein, and two convicted IRA terrorists to the House of Commons. Even worse, Corbyn sat on the editorial board of the ultra Left-wing journal Labour Briefing, which actually defended the Brighton atrocity. “The British only sit up and take notice when they are bombed into it,” it declared.

Nor has Corbyn ever shown the slightest sign of repentance. In 2015 during an interview with BBC Radio Ulster he explicitly refused five times to condemn IRA violence.

Corbyn’s defenders pretend that his involvemen­t with blood-soaked Republican­ism was part of the search for a settlement in Northern Ireland. But this is deceitful nonsense. Corbyn was only interested in the victory of the IRA, not in reconcilia­tion.

The one sure way to achieve a real, lasting peace in Ulster was through the military destructio­n of the IRA. That is what the heroism of the British Army, the Royal Ulster Constabula­ry and undercover intelligen­ce had achieved by the beginning of the 1990s, forcing the Republican­s to negotiate the terms of their surrender. This was an approach that Corbyn resolutely opposed.

His sick Republican fetish is part of a pattern. As a perpetual adolescent radical, Corbyn is devoid of the normal impulse of patriotism. On his first public outing as Labour leader he refused to sing the national anthem.

Nor has he any pride in our Armed Forces. In a disgracefu­l speech last Friday he stated that Britain had not fought a single just war since 1945. He refused to back the recapture of the Falklands in 1982.

In practice he would have let the Argentinia­n military junta maintain their illegal occupation of British territory. Indeed, showing absolute contempt for the basic democratic principle of self-determinat­ion, he recently told Argentinia­n diplomats that he wanted a power-sharing deal.

Corbyn said on Friday that he is not a pacifist. He certainly isn’t. He is an apologist for terror movements and thuggish dictatorsh­ips all over the world, once describing both Hamas and Hezbollah as his “friends”.

HIS lack of humanity was also reflected in the moment when he nauseating­ly described the death of Osama Bin Laden as “a tragedy”.

His opposition to military action is reserved for our own national defences. A member of CND, he prevaricat­es feebly over whether he would dare to press the nuclear button, thereby rendering the whole concept of deterrence useless.

He is just as supine over a shoot-to-kill policy against terrorists and air strikes against our enemies. Meanwhile, he burbles about appointing a “minister of peace”, just the kind of tiresome gesture in which the municipal loony left used to indulge in the 1980s.

Corbyn’s shameful record should be heard by all voters. After years of anti-British agitation, a hammering from the British electorate is exactly what he deserves.

‘Devoid of the normal impulse of patriotism’

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