Daily Express

Gin is the in thinG

With sales soaring, new distilleri­es opening and even a G&T ice lolly on supermarke­t shelves, the drink once known as Mother’s Ruin is now more popular than ever

- By Nigel Burke Profit Mar-gin ori-gin Using iMa-gin-ation PUrely Medicinal gin Palaces HaPPy ending

GIN. Mother’s Ruin? No, just Mummy’s me-time! It’s great news that gin is back with a bang and a dash of Angostura. There’s a choice of 26 kinds of gin even at my local, bog-standard supermarke­t, with shapely, gleaming bottles all lined up like a Victorian apothecary’s window. You can even buy a G&T in frozen form now Aldi has launched a range of boozy ice lollies.

Gin is cool again and it has gone local, specialist and artisanal – just like cheese only it gets you smashed. Forty new distilleri­es popped up just last year. It’s a big hit with young, smart middleclas­s adults who don’t even remember gin’s stock-characters: the sozzled major, Margo and Jerry, and mummy dearest with her empties stacked under the sink. And it’s not just a blip. The Government added gin to its Consumer Price Index basket of typical purchases last month. We are living through a Gin Spring. Chin Chin! THE gin business has been soaring since 2014 when co-incidental­ly Gordon’s Gin ceased to use Gordon Ramsay as “The face of Gordon’s Gin”. No such dispiritin­g face had been deliberate­ly linked with gin since Hogarth’s famous Gin Lane cartoon of 1751, which depicted a London underclass, raddled by gin for a penny. UK sales topped £1billion for the first time last year, amounting to 40 million bottles. With £500million exports on top, gin is growing into a vigorous little brother to the £1.7billion Scotch whisky trade.

Gin is comparativ­ely easy to get into. Make whisky and you have to leave it in a barrel for three years or more. But gin is nothing more than alcohol and water flavoured with the essence from a handful of juniper berries and extra herbs (known as botanicals to gin buffs). You can turn a batch around in a week. On the downside, however, the state is going to take 76 per cent of the bottle price in tax. THIS quintessen­tially English tipple was probably invented as a primitive juniper hooch in Italy in the 1300s and popularise­d in England as the sweet proto-gin “genever” by the Dutch after William of Orange took the throne in 1689. Gin and tonic is actually more popular in Spain than here – they go for lots of salad-y garnish and ice, served in balloon glasses.

Two thirds of our gin is actually distilled in Scotland and most of the juniper berries originate from Europe. But gin is still quintessen­tially English, I am telling you! (Best not argue when I’m on my third Singapore Sling.)

Referring to the anti-malarial benefit of G&T, Churchill once declared: “The gin and tonic has saved more Englishmen’s lives and minds than all the doctors in the Empire.” Winston liked to have a dry Martini with Plymouth gin in between his whiskies, brandies and Champagnes.

And we have Noel Coward arching an eyebrow and holding a stiff Martini – he believed that the correct ratio of gin and Italian BOTTOMS UP: As a tipple gin has survived most drinking trends and is now enjoying a revival vermouth for a Martini was one glassful of gin and waving it in the direction of Italy. Quintessen­tially English, like I said. THERE are 700 or more gin cocktails in the mixologist’s repertoire. The classics will take you where you want to go. Gimlet: a Tanqueray and Rose’s Lime Juice. Tom Collins: lemon juice, soda and a slice of orange. Or just a dry Martini: dry vermouth, gin and an olive or a lemon twist. But there are enough interestin­g alternativ­es to try five a day from now until World Gin Day on June 10. How about a Betty Paige: a Martini with a teaspoon of cherry liqueur. A Bee’s Knees: gin, honey and lemon. Or a Wonder Bra: gin, Cointreau and pineapple juice.

New distillers, eager to have a unique offering, are using perhaps too much imaginatio­n in the flavour-packed botanicals they add to the essential juniper. Old stalwarts such as Bombay, Gordon’s and Beefeater are infused with sensible ingredient­s such as angelica, liquorice, coriander and cardamom.

However, upstart gin brands just go crazy with seaweed, frankincen­se, wood chippings, horseradis­h and Daily Express Monday May 15 2017 occasional­ly wood ants, which are said to taste lemony by The Cambridge Distillery. But anything has to be better than the Gin Lane flavouring­s of the 1700s: turpentine for that juniper-like pine fragrance or sulphuric acid.

Maybe today’s trick ingredient­s are just about marketing not flavour. The all-time prize for gin marketing must go to Captain Bradstreet, unlicensed distiller of Holborn, London, who in the 1730s dispensed gin through a dummy cat set up in the street. A measure of liquor was piped from its paw when the customer fed coins into its mouth. Coded miaows then made for a secure transactio­n. THE history of gin and the quinine present in tonic water is well known. The British in India consumed 700 tons per annum of quinine-bearing cinchona bark to ward off malaria but it was pretty rough stuff until it was prepared commercial­ly as tonic water by Erasmus Bond in 1850, then a certain Mr Schweppes in 1870. A spoonful of sugar and a slug of gin helped the medicine go down.

Today’s tonic water is very quinine-light but you would still get the same anti-malarial effect if you drank 40 pints of G&T. Also purely medicinal were the Gimlet, a mix of gin and lime juice that fortified sailors against scurvy and the pink gin, a means of improving Angostura Bitters – a patent medicine for seasicknes­s – by ingeniousl­y mixing it with gin.

Ernest Hemingway believed that gin itself “can cure every kind of sickness”. Though presumably not alcoholism. MORE than one queen has been fond of a tipple of gin. Elizabeth the Queen Mother liked her pre-lunch gin and Dubonnet. Her Majesty the Queen is reputed to favour Gordon’s and tonic with three slices of lemon. Then there was Anthony Blunt, Surveyor of the Queen’s Pictures and prominent Russian spy, who simply rattled with gin bottles in carrier bags while about his business.

None of these associatio­ns has anything to do with the term “gin palace”. That came about as a byword for a wave of big, ornate Victorian pubs that were built during a 19th-century gin-boom, when London Gin, a drier, lighter spirit made in advanced stills was invented.

They largely survived changing fashions in booze but not the smoking ban. FOLKLORE has it that gin is a weepy drink. The raconteur and comedian Dylan Moran describes gin as a mascara-thinner – the drink that makes the hostess of a party break down and weep about her unapprecia­ted vol-au-vents. But it isn’t true. There is no evidence that any kind of hard liquor brings out different emotions from any other drink and plenty of people find gin uplifting. As the boisterous Gallagher brothers of Oasis sang: “I’m feeling supersonic, give me gin and tonic.” I will simply pass on the same caution that my father gave to me: “You have to count to 100 between pink gins or you don’t feel the benefit.”

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