Daily Express

Worshiping the ground

- Matt Baylis on the weekend’s TV

SOME places just have a reputation for being religious. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Texas for example. The most religious place I ever stayed was a little island three hours’ flying time from Australia, where everyone belonged to one of the famous sects, or else had started up their own.

It was no coincidenc­e, I think, that the place had a giant, active volcano in the middle of it, whose daily eruptions made the ground wobble like jelly. You couldn’t help being a bit religious with that going on. MEXICO: EARTH’S FESTIVAL OF LIFE (Sunday, BBC2) suggested something similar might have been happening on the Yucatán peninsula.

Mexico is not a place I’ve ever visited and my ideas of it have been largely formed by off-beat American movies in which desperate characters hole up in sleazy border towns with a bottle of tequila, a dancer and a revolver. That’s all part of the “festival of life” too of course but this series offers something more pleasing to the eye.

Lush green mountains, dazzling coloured birds and flowers, bears, monkeys and ancient temples rising from the steaming bush. For a long time, these temple cities puzzled visitors. Remnants of the ancient Maya civilisati­on, they were unlike every other great civilisati­on on the planet – nowhere near a big river.

The answer lay in a past, even older than Mayan times, with a giant asteroid that struck the area billions of years ago. As well as wiping out dinosaurs, it fractured the Yucatán’s limestone bedrock, creating tons of caves and tunnels.

Filled with rainwater, they provided crops for the Mayan cities and to this day give farmers a source of clean, mineral-rich water.

They were also a source of wonder to the Mayans, who thought they were the abode of the gods and whose vibrant civilisati­on was all but wiped out when the wells temporaril­y dried up in a series of droughts. Geography, as the historians like to say, is destiny. DARA AND ED’S ROAD TO MANDALAY (Sunday, BBC2) is the perfect antidote to a certain kind of travel TV. I won’t mention names but the programmes usually involve the explorer telling us he’s in great danger, in between doing muscular things with his shirt off and demonstrat­ing his fluency in the Kirundi tongue.

Comedian Ed Byrne did take his shirt off last night but it was in order to do some skipping in a Thai martial arts academy. Sidekick Dara suggested that Ed might have an advantage in the boxing ring, with the sheer whiteness of his bony torso dazzling opponents.

Fresh from their humiliatio­ns at the boxing school, they took a night train to the hill town of Chiang Mai. They’d expected a nice, Agatha Christie-style compartmen­t to themselves. Instead, they got bunks among some gap-year backpacker­s.

It was the same when they arrived in the “holiday paradise” of Pattaya. It was pouring with rain, and bore a striking resemblanc­e to central Coventry on a Friday night rush hour. Not much like the posters, the lads grumbled quietly.

This is all part of travel of course, the real travel real people do, as opposed to the stagey heroics. The embarrassm­ents, the awkwardnes­s, the unmet expectatio­ns. We can’t edit them out of our own experience­s, of course, but Dara and Ed could have insisted they were cut from this series.

Instead, they’re almost the backbone of it, making this particular celebs-on-holiday show bigger and better than the others.

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