Daily Express

Virginia Blackburn


HOW do you know when someone has totally lost touch with reality? When they claim it would be a f ****** nightmare to travel commercial rather than by private jet. Step forward Johnny Depp. According to correspond­ence that has come to light in the course of his legal battle with his former management company (which he is suing for financial mismanagem­ent), while he agreed he had to cut back his expenditur­e, foregoing the private jet was a step too far. The nightmare would be of “monumental proportion­s”, apparently. Right.

The rest of the emails make for pretty eye-watering reading too. He writes about starting to film The Tourist for “20 mil”, followed by “PIRATCS (sic) 4 for 35 mil and then in turn DARK SHADOWS for another 20 mil”. For most these sums are so colossal as to be incomprehe­nsible, for Johnny they were a normal payday. No wonder he lost sight of real life.

But what it does go to show is that irrespecti­ve of whether you are rich or poor some people can manage money and some cannot. I think that if I got just one of Johnny’s film fees I would set myself up for life but then again I am one of life’s spenders and when I am in funds I do tend to reach for the credit card, so perhaps not.

Some of his fellow stars live frugally and put it away for a rainy day. Sir Paul McCartney famously took a very level-headed attitude to his fortune, living in a small house (actually a number of small houses and they weren’t that small) and sending his children to comprehens­ives, with the result that most of that fortune is still intact.

Nicolas Cage is another one who got carried away, buying two castles, nine Rolls-Royces and quite a bit

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