Daily Express

Drama fails in delivery


MANY years ago I saw an artsy French film of such overblown pretentiou­sness that it made me walk out of the cinema in disgust. Ask me not what it was about or what it was called, but I do remember one scene: someone had just been brutally murdered by a shot to the head.

They lay there slumped in a pool of blood, until we heard a slurping sound. The camera panned down to reveal a kitten lapping away at the gore. It was the contrast of the innocent kitten and the brutally murdered corpse that made me want to start screaming at the screen.

Of all the ludicrous images I’ve ever seen, that one takes some beating. That was until last night. IN THE DARK (BBC1) finally came to an end and, big spoiler alert coming up if you’re planning on watching it on iPlayer as I’m leaping to the last scene first, the insufferab­le DI Helen Weeks was pictured giving birth.

The shots of new life coming into this world were interspers­ed with that of someone leaving it, namely that of the good bad guy Theo, who redeemed himself for past sins by getting the good DI to the hospital when her waters broke but then didn’t follow her advice fast enough to ask for police protection.

Good versus evil with both baby and murder victim literally dripping in blood.

I am absolutely all for crime dramas with a strong female lead, but this passed beyond the point of being ridiculous. Helen, whose baby was about to pop out, decided to spend the last days of her pregnancy wandering around back alleys so dangerous that no taxi would possibly come to take her to the hospital (hence Theo’s mercy dash).

Does anyone really believe a heavily pregnant woman would behave like that? Nor did her imminent confinemen­t stop her from turning physically violent, both to Sarah, who turned out to have driven the car that killed Helen’s partner Paul, and to Adam, the lover who turned out to have been involved in the death of her husband. In both cases she went at them with such force that had this happened in real life, whatever the provocatio­n, she’s the one who would have ended up in the dock.

One of the best crime series ever made, Life On Mars, was set on the mean streets of Manchester, this I regret to say was nowhere near the same league. None of the characters were likeable, so much so that you really didn’t care what happened to them. That, my friends, is not how to make a TV show.

Elsewhere matters were considerab­ly more encouragin­g. The problems of an ageing generation are becoming an increasing issue not just for the Government and pressure groups such as Age Concern but now to mainstream television as well.

And they’re seizing on interestin­g initiative­s, as with OLD PEOPLE’S HOME FOR FOUR YEAR OLDS (C4), in which very young children are put with the old and infirm. Would it work?

Yes, is the short answer, with one occupant saying, “To find a child’s hand in yours is one of the most moving things that can happen to you.” The children, too young to understand frailty, were straightfo­rward in their manner towards the adults, one girl even distractin­g a crusty old gentleman from his newspaper. The ageing issue is not going to go away: expect a lot more on these encouragin­g lines.

 ?? Virginia Blackburn on last night’s TV ??
Virginia Blackburn on last night’s TV

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