Daily Express

Now we can laugh together


AT family events, Tommy Robinson no longer feels left out thanks to his hearing aids – best of all he’s now able to hear every word his grandchild­ren say. Tommy, 60, says: “Before, my grandchild­ren would be saying things to me and I wouldn’t hear a thing, or I would have to keep asking them to repeat themselves.

“There were times they were asking me to come outside to see something and I would be just sitting there, ignoring them, until they grabbed my hand.

“Now I have laughs and jokes with them – and I can hear when they are making fun of me or they’re up to mischief. They can’t keep any secrets now!”

In fact, no one in the family can. Tommy says: “There was a time, not long after I got my hearing aids, when my son was in the kitchen talking to my wife about my birthday, trying to keep a secret.

I told him, ‘I heard that’, and he laughed and said, ‘I forgot you had your hearing aids in’.”

Tommy says having hearing aids has made a huge difference to his social life, too: “When you can’t hear properly, and have to ask people to repeat themselves, they don’t want to involve you so much.”

“Now, I am involved, people want to talk to me.

“My hearing aids have made a massive difference. They’re brilliant and the value is just unbelievab­le.

“To be honest, I should have gone to Amplifon much earlier than I did.”

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