Daily Express

SEX, SPEED AND SUPERCARS How Enzo Ferrari lived the dream

The first prancing stallion car rolled off the production line 70 years ago and the story behind the company founder’s success has all the elements of a thriller

- By Giulia Rhodes

ENZO FERRARI lost his heart to fast cars early. He was just 10 years old when he saw a road race in 1908 and when that first whiff of burnt rubber reached his nostrils he knew at once he wanted to become a racing driver.

However, fulfilling such an ambition was not going to be easy. The son of a modestly successful metal worker from the northern Italian city of Modena with limited formal education, the young Enzo had no connection­s to the world of motor sport.

And his dream seemed more unattainab­le than ever when at the age of 18 both his father and older brother died in the flu pandemic that hit Italy in 1916, leaving him to care for his grieving mother.

When Enzo himself went down with the same virus two years later there was a point when his own life hung in the balance. But the doughty young man recovered and the setbacks he had suffered served only to harden his determinat­ion and ambition.

“He was massively shaped by his experience,” says Doug Nye, a British author whose photograph­ic biography of the Ferrari founder will be published next year. “He set out to carve a niche for himself and he proved adept entreprene­urially.”

As the world knows, Enzo went on to set up his own supercar manufactur­er and it is 70 years ago this year that the first Ferrari – emblazoned with the world-famous prancing stallion badge – purred off the production line.

In the intervenin­g years the company prospered to the extent that Enzo’s son Piero is today said to be worth £1.5billion but along the way Ferrari Snr’s life underwent ups and downs of operatic proportion­s. There were horrifying accidents, financial crises, political threats, PR disasters and – given that the young Enzo was a raffishly handsome young man – multiple extra-marital affairs, one of which produced a love child.

In November some of these stories, and those of the personalit­ies behind them, will be told alongside tales of design, racing and celebrity in a major new exhibition, Ferrari Under The Skin at London’s Design Museum.

These days Ferrari is best known for its road cars but at the outset the production models were designed as a means to finance Enzo’s racing ambitions. “He was a racing nut,” says Nye. “He managed to establish a circle of friends in the Italian motoring industry.”

THROUGH them Ferrari worked his way from nothing to test driver for Alfa Romeo and in 1924 he did well enough to be invited to drive in the French Grand Prix. But with his dream of racing at the highest level about to be realised, Enzo cracked under the pressure and pulled out. “He later said he had had a nervous breakdown in training,” says Nye. “He recognised he had insufficie­nt skill as a driver and it broke him. He scuttled back home to Modena.”

Such a decision was understand­able. In those days motor racing was not the carefully regulated sport it is today. The year before Ferrari had witnessed his great friend Ugo Sivocci die in a racing accident and less than a year after his own Grand Prix embarrassm­ent Ferrari was to lose another friend, Antonio Ascari, to the sport.

Indeed, fatal car accidents were to stalk Ferrari throughout his career, with seven drivers killed while racing the company’s racing cars in the late 1950s and 1960s, including Alberto Ascari who met the same end as his father.

“Ferrari had lost his father and his brother and now these losses,” says Nye. “Those sorts of things harden a chap.”

Worse was to come. In 1957 a Ferrari crashed into the crowd at a race, killing nine spectators including five children, and Ferrari was charged with manslaught­er. One Vatican newspaper even likened Ferrari to the Roman god Saturn, who was reputed to have eaten his own sons. “Ferrari took it badly and shut himself away for a few days after the 1957 accident,” says Nye.

No sooner was Ferrari cleared of responsibi­lity – after four stressful years – than the 1961 Italian Grand Prix saw another fatal Ferrari collision kill the driver and 15 spectators. As Nye observes: “Connected with rich people, pursuing a rich hobby and killing children, Ferrari was vilified by the Italian press.”

If Ferrari’s profession­al existence was stressful, his personal life was no less so. He had married Laura Garello in 1923 but the relationsh­ip was never a happy one. In 1956 the couple’s only child, Dino – his father’s pride, joy and heir to the family business – died of Duchenne muscular dystrophy aged 24.

“He always knew Dino was ill but he just would not admit to himself that it was hopeless,” says Nye. “I was told by people who drove for the team that Dino was an exceptiona­lly charming young man.”

The devastatin­g loss was the death knell for Enzo and Laura’s relationsh­ip but – with divorce illegal in Italy until 1975 – the pair remained married, Laura living in Turin and Enzo close to the Ferrari factory in Modena.

Not that Enzo was sex-starved. “He cut a swathe through the female population of Modena,” says Nye. But far too work-focused to lead a dissolute playboy lifestyle, Ferrari’s infidelity was a regimented affair. “Around three times a week at lunchtime he would go off with one of the girls from the trim shop at the factory,” says Nye.

He did have at least one significan­t relationsh­ip, with long-term mistress Lina Lardi, and in 1945 she gave birth to a son, Piero. However, it was not until Enzo’s wife died in 1978 that his existence was publicly acknowledg­ed and he took his father’s by now famous surname.

Following the deaths of his son and several of his favourite drivers, Enzo became reclusive and was rarely seen outside his home city of Modena other than to attend local Italian Grand Prix races.

IN PUBLIC he was always hidden behind a pair of dark glasses. When he did venture out he chose to be driven in an unremarkab­le Fiat rather than one of his own company’s sought-after road cars.

When Enzo died in 1988 Piero was named vice president of Ferrari but Nye believes the former’s long shadow has proved difficult for his son to escape. “I asked Piero what face his father presented to him and he said it was a Rubik’s cube,” he recalls. “You can read whatever you like into that but I think Piero was damaged by his background – defensive, a man overshadow­ed by his inheritanc­e.”

Despite a penchant for luxury yachts, Piero leads a quiet life. Married with one daughter and two grandsons – named after him and his father – and living in the house his father left him, Piero has never sought to replicate the latter’s notoriety.

Known throughout Italy as Il Drake or L’Ingenierie – variations on The Dragon and The Engineer – Enzo Ferrari titled his own book My Terrible Joys – an acknowledg­ement of the costs of success and a part of the Ferrari legacy the family now seeks to escape.

Ferrari Under The Skin opens at London’s Design Museum on November 15.

To pre-order Enzo Ferrari, The Photograph­ic Biography by Doug Nye (Evro, £50), available next February with free UK delivery, call the Express Bookshop with card details on 01872 562 310 or visit express bookshop.com

 ?? Pictures: PA; GETTY ?? HERITAGE: Enzo at the wheel, with mechanic Michele Conti, in 1920, and a Ferrari F1 car at the US Grand Prix
Pictures: PA; GETTY HERITAGE: Enzo at the wheel, with mechanic Michele Conti, in 1920, and a Ferrari F1 car at the US Grand Prix

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