Daily Express

National leaders are our best hope of a Brexit deal

- Ross Clark Political commentato­r

FEW would try to argue that in her 15 months as Prime Minister Theresa May has so far shown neither great leadership or fine oratory. But she can put that right today with her speech in Italy.

Choose her words well and in future the name “Florence” will come to mean more than an agreeable city of art galleries and restaurant­s: it will be synonymous with one of the turning points in European history.

By all accounts the Prime Minister is planning to do as I and others have been imploring her to do for weeks: to speak over the heads of the obstructiv­e Michel Barnier and his negotiatin­g team and make a direct appeal to the leaders of individual EU nations.

In a little more diplomatic language, perhaps, what she needs to say is this: “Three months ago members of my Government sat down with your appointed negotiator­s in Brussels to try to hammer out a deal for Britain’s continuing relationsh­ip with the EU after our formal departure from the bloc in March 2019.

“It is vital that as neighbours and trading partners we continue to have amicable relations. But at present we are not getting very far.

“Some have claimed this is because my Government has failed to make clear what it wants. But our position has been clear ever since my speech at Lancaster House in London in January. We want a free trade agreement which allows business to be conducted between Britain and the EU on much the same basis as it is now.”

SHE should then look EU leaders in the eye and say: “I know that with your export industries and the share they have won of British markets you will share the same ambition. At present this is being frustrated – held up by impossible demands for payments and by a political campaign to be seen as punishing Britain. Still, we are told, it is impossible to open any kind of trade talks until Britain has agreed to pay an exit bill.

“You will know as well as I do that when countries start to try to punish others through the imposition of trade barriers they end up punishing themselves just as much. You are quite rightly seeking trading arrangemen­ts with Japan, the US, Australia and other countries. You are not asking those countries to pay bills in order to access their markets. Neither should you be asking us.”

Finally she should throw in a barbed passage and say: “I understand the concern that many of you have about other countries voting to leave the EU. We are not spoiling for this. We wish every EU member state well however it decides to exercise its sovereign choice regarding its future.

“But as soon-to-be outsiders it is becoming clear that you will not be able to sustain the European Union through threatenin­g reprisals to anyone who attempts to leave.

“It didn’t work with the Soviet bloc and it won’t work with the EU either. That is why I appeal to you to ensure that these talks can move forward swiftly and in the interests of all our people.”

Mrs May could not have timed this speech better. There is a growing sense among European leaders, and not just those who have long-held Euroscepti­c views, that the EU has become contemptuo­us of the people it seeks to represent. Two days ago President Macron of France – who at the time of his election in May was regarded as an arch-Europhile – issued a warning over the direction of the EU.

“But in a few months or years,” he said, “you will have other countries suddenly raising and saying, ‘I’m no longer comfortabl­e with this bureaucrac­y and with this Europe without any vision but just a lot of constraint­s.’”

As for Jean-Claude Juncker even avid Remainers are growing tired of his posturing, with Sir Vince Cable launching an astonishin­g attack saying that he should be replaced with someone “more attuned to reality and public opinion”.

Sir Vince, who has bitterly attacked British Leave voters for being elderly and trying to live in the past, might just care to reflect why 52 per cent of the electorate decided we would be better off outside the EU. It isn’t just Juncker – the EU keeps on producing people like him who consider their mission to be above democratic accountabi­lity.

That is what is going to drive more nation states out of the EU, not the sight of Britain enjoying too good a free trade deal but the frustratio­n of having unelected, megalomani­ac commission­ers nibbling away at their sovereignt­y.

JEAN-CLAUDE Juncker at least has a mandate as president of the European Commission in that he was elected by the European Parliament in 2014. As for Michel Barnier he was simply appointed to his job as the EU’s chief negotiator by Juncker.

The government­s of other EU countries had no say in the selection of the man who is now purporting to represent their interests regarding their future relations with Britain.

A strong speech from Theresa May and surely European leaders will start to ask: are our interests being best served?

Of course Theresa May can’t demand in public that Barnier be sacked, Juncker be removed from office and more reasonable figures be put in their place.

But that ought to be the underlying purpose of her visit to Florence: to get negotiatio­ns moving by getting rid of the men who are standing in the way of progress.

‘Turning point in European history’

 ?? Picture: EPA ?? HINDRANCE: Unhelpful EU bureaucrat­s Jean-Claude Juncker and Michel Barnier
Picture: EPA HINDRANCE: Unhelpful EU bureaucrat­s Jean-Claude Juncker and Michel Barnier
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