Daily Express

Treasury is blasted for Brexit block


THE Treasury is trying to block Brexit because of the department’s “institutio­nal mindset” a senior Tory backbenche­r has warned.

Euroscepti­c Bernard Jenkin, a figure in the European Research Group of MPs, also said Britain should take a tougher line on exit talks.

However, he insisted his criticism of the Treasury was not aimed at Chancellor Philip Hammond who has angered Leave supporters for pushing for a lengthy transition deal.

Mr Jenkin yesterday said: “The Treasury seems unable to hear any voices except those that reinforce their preconcept­ions. It seems blind to the facts, preoccupie­d with preserving ‘access’ to the EU market seemingly at any cost.”


Mr Jenkin said: “Theresa May will be cheered to the echo if she were to say ‘I’ve had enough of this, we are going to get ready to leave on 2019.

“We are going to spend the money we need to be ready to leave in March 2019, but if the EU wants to come back to the table and talk to us about what kind of relationsh­ip they want with us in the long term, then we are ready to talk’.”

He said: “The Prime Minister should use the authority of her office to impose what she wants on the Cabinet.”

Boris Johnson has hit out at claims he is trying to undermine Mrs May in articles quoting people who claim to be his “friends”.

The Foreign Secretary said “friends and allies” quoted were not speaking for him and did not represent his views.

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