Daily Express

What do these 10 pupils share with Einstein? They are all IQ geniuses

- By Miles Dilworth

TEN pupils at a secondary school have something in common with Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking – they are all geniuses.

The Year 10 teenagers from St Bede’s Catholic College in Bristol were found to have some of the highest IQs in the country after sitting a British Mensa test.

The genius benchmark is set at 140, and the lowest score among all 10 pupils was 148, which is still in the top two per cent of the population.

Two pupils, Isabel Romero and Molly Dolan, recorded scores of 161, just one mark short of the maximum possible.

They were also a point higher than the IQ score of 160 shared by theoretica­l physicist Albert Einstein and cosmologis­t Stephen Hawking.

Isabel, 14, said: “When I found out I was selected for Mensa, I was really excited and agreed to do it because it was a new opportunit­y and I was curious to know my score.

“When I received my results I was quite surprised and really happy.” Vice principal Rob King said: “We are delighted to have such amazing students at St Bede’s. They are a credit to the college and their families.

“Being invited to become a member of Mensa will be a huge boost for these students as they begin Year 10 and their GCSE courses. It will give them further confidence that they can do or be whatever they set their minds on. The sky is the limit.”

The pupils will now be invited to join the Mensa Society, which is the largest and oldest high IQ society in the world.

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