Daily Express

Heart risk made me quit smoking after 50 years

The EastEnders actress explains to JANE SYMONS how a routine blood test was the incentive she needed to finally give up cigarettes


FORMER EastEnders star Laila Morse has always believed “when your number’s up, it’s up”. Yet when a routine blood test revealed her cholestero­l was so high she was heading for a heart attack, she realised it was time to improve her odds.

Laila’s total cholestero­l count was more than twice the recommende­d maximum and when her doctor warned that this was putting her at high risk of a heart attack or stroke, the actress best known for her role as feisty Mo Harris, Walford’s diva of the dodgy deal, admits: “That really frightened me.”

High cholestero­l is most commonly associated with an unhealthy diet but Laila had always cooked from scratch and eaten plenty of fruit and vegetables.

Yet like many people the 40-a-day smoker had not realised that cigarettes also increase the risk of cholestero­l problems. One of the many toxins in cigarette smoke is a chemical called acrolein which disrupts the body’s ability to eliminate unhealthy LDL cholestero­l.

Laila, 72, had been lighting up for more than 50 years and although she had stopped for a week or two on at least a dozen occasions she had even stuck with the habit after successful treatment for breast cancer in 2001.

Yet her doctor’s warning was the wake-up call she needed. She says: “I threw my cigarettes away and went and got a vaporiser. I used that for about two or three weeks. Then I thought, ‘I’m doing exactly the same thing, puffing on this thing when I don’t really want to’, so I packed that in too.

“If I got the urge to have a puff, I just got up and did something. That was three years ago and I haven’t smoked since. When I’ve made my mind up about something I am quite a determined person,” she adds, acknowledg­ing that not everyone has the same reserves of willpower.

E-cigarettes and other forms of nicotine replacemen­t can make it easier to quit and studies have shown that if a smoker can go 28 days without lighting up they are five times more likely to kick the habit for good.

UNLIKE some quitters, Laila did not see e-cigarettes as a long-term solution. “Sometimes you see people using them and the vapour that comes out is like a chimney. I really didn’t want that in my lungs.”

A study just published in the Journal of the American Heart Associatio­n warns that e-cigarettes with nicotine cause heart damage and recent research from Sweden’s renowned Karolinska Institute found that vaping nicotine can cause stiffening of the arteries as well as increased heart rate and blood pressure.

Here, health watchdogs are divided. Public Health England has promoted e-cigarettes for the first time during its 28-day Stoptober campaign. However, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence says patients should be warned there is currently little evidence on the long-term benefits or harmful effects of these products from which to judge.

There is, however, no doubt about the benefits of quitting cigarettes. After just 48 hours lungs start to clear mucus and other smoking debris and ex-smokers begin to notice an improved ability to taste and smell.

Breathing becomes easier after 72 hours and circulatio­n begins to improve after two weeks. After a year quitters have halved their risk of heart disease.

Laila’s risk has been slashed since she quit and started taking a statin. Her cholestero­l is down to a heart-healthy level and she reckons she is proof that it’s never too late to quit. “My food tastes so much better and I have a lot more puff,” she adds.

“I know you can’t make people pack it in, you have to do it for yourself. But believe me, if you do quit you’ll feel so much better. Your breath doesn’t smell and your teeth don’t get discoloure­d.”

Cigarettes were top of Laila’s luxury list when she signed up for a stint in the jungle with ITV’s I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! in 2013. However she says: “Now it makes me feel absolutely sick to the stomach when I smell loads of smoke and don’t get me started on how much I have spent on cigarettes over the years.”

LAILA admits that when she first started smoking she was so young she had to feed her habit by sneaking her mum’s cigarettes. “In those days everyone smoked,” she says. “It was fashionabl­e and they were advertised all the time.

“You never had any warnings about how bad they were.” It was an era when doctors were paid to promote cigarettes and Hollywood stars were used to make smoking seem glamorous.

“You smoked to stay in with the ‘in-crowd’,” says Laila. “I can remember standing in front of the mirror, smoking, to see how I looked.” Given the feisty characters she has played it’s hard to imagine Laila being so selfconsci­ous, although she admits she was “petrified” for her first three years on EastEnders.

The gritty realism she brought to the role was indeed real as Laila had spent much of her life grafting in minimum-wage jobs before her brother, Hollywood star Gary Oldman, persuaded her to appear in Nil By Mouth, his debut as a film director. “Afterwards, when I was approached by an agent, I couldn’t believe it,” says Laila.

After a 16-year EastEnders’ stint, she has been taking a leaf out of Big Mo’s book and spending as much time as she can in Spain.

Fans have been calling for Mo’s return and Laila says she would love to work on the soap again but confesses: “I hate London. I know that’s a terrible thing to say but as soon as I get off that plane and back into London it’s like a big black cloud comes down.”

Yet unlike Samuel Johnson, who wrote that to be tired of London is to be tired of life, Laila is full of life and hoping to take after her mother who is 98 “and still going strong”.

Laila recalls: “When she was 70 I suggested, ‘Why don’t you go to the bingo?’ But mum was having none of it and told me, ‘No, they’re all too old.’ She’s a right laugh.”

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 ??  ?? SPARK: High cholestero­l was the reason Laila decided to stop her 40-a-day habit after her appearance on I’m A Celebrity... in 2013
SPARK: High cholestero­l was the reason Laila decided to stop her 40-a-day habit after her appearance on I’m A Celebrity... in 2013

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