Daily Express

Why we live and learn

- Matt Baylis on last night’s TV

PERHAPS it is such old news that no one even mentions it any more. As someone who grew up learning about the nature versus nurture debate, though, I do wonder if it has been quietly settled by the scientists and no one has cottoned on.

The final part of HUMAN BODY: THE SECRETS OF YOUR LIFE REVEALED (BBC2) focused on learning: how it happens, how we remember, how we forget and how impossible it becomes after the age of 45 to master anything more complex than a new dishwasher.

It contained much fresh and fascinatin­g detail along the way. Eerie footage showed the exact moment a string of brain cells branched out towards each other. A pathway was establishe­d, helper cells coated it with a substance called myelin, making it a super-conductive, super-highway of learning and memory.

They did not tell us what the brain in question was learning, it might have been tying a knot but the process for everything is the same, jaw-droppingly beautiful one.

Behind all that was a point that was not made but was there for the grasping – the outside changes the inside. Learn to knit and you create a new pattern inside your own neurons.

Nowhere was this clearer than in the later segment about epigenetic­s. We once thought our DNA only changed slowly over a period of hundreds of thousands of years. Studies using data as diverse as Dutch famine victims and Rocky Mountain rescue teams have rubbished this.

What we do, the environmen­t we exist in, whether it is one of low oxygen or zero food, changes our DNA and we pass those changes on when we have children. In other words, there is no nature versus nurture and there never was. The two work in tandem. Am I the only one who thinks that’s a revelation?

“Soldiers adapt to war,” said one of the former US marines who contribute­d to THE VIETNAM WAR (BBC4). “You adapt to killing. You adapt to dying.” Other survivors of the conflict saw it differentl­y though. “It’s just finishing school,” said one veteran. All humans were killers, in his view, it just took war to bring that out.

Few documentar­ies can boast such a wealth of anecdotes and insight from people who, however much they “adapted”, clearly struggled, then and now.

One man showed us a 1968 pocket calendar where days were ringed with ink – his way of counting down the time until his tour was over. Then one day he stopped ringing them, realising he was likely to die anyway. Another spoke of a phone call with his mother days before the disastrous Tet Offensive. He was special, she assured him. She knew he was coming home. “I’m putting pieces of special people in bags every day, Ma,” he said and hung up.

As frontline soldiers became disillusio­ned and the US public protested against the war, the communist North Vietnamese were convinced of victory. So confident were they of seizing control of South Vietnam they made up uniforms for the new police force.

So desperate were patriotic Northern village lads to join up that they put rocks in their pockets before they were weighed at recruiting stations. Stories from both sides sounded as if they had come from a much earlier time, from the trenches of the First World War. So much seemed not to have changed. If we truly adapted to wars, we would stop having them.

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