Daily Express

Angler choked by fish thanks pals and medic who saved him

- By John Chapman

AN angler who “died” for three minutes after he accidental­ly swallowed a fish he caught yesterday said he thought he’d had his chips.

Sam Quilliam, 28, dangled the 6in Dover sole over his mouth and went to kiss it as a joke, when it slipped from his fingers and fell straight down his throat.

It blocked his airway and sent him into cardiac arrest, causing him to stop breathing for three minutes.

His fisherman friends Steve Perry and Matt Holmes saved his life by giving him CPR before paramedic Matt Harrison used forceps to yank it out of the back of Sam’s throat.

After making a full recovery, Sam returned to Boscombe Pier in Bournemout­h to thank his friends and paramedic Matt for saving him. Sam, from Dibden Purlieu in the New Forest, said: “It got out of my hands and into my mouth and basically swam straight down my throat.

“I ran round the pier like a headless chicken and then passed out. It was terrifying from what I remember.

“Steve and Matt and the paramedics did a great job to save my life. I could have easily died and I feel very lucky to be here.

“I feel much better now, it’s like beyond winning the Lottery. Me and my family are really grateful.”

Turning to paramedic Matt Harrison, he added: “Thank you. You are a credit to the NHS.”

 ??  ?? Sam Quilliam holds a larger version of the Dover sole that choked him. Matt Harrison, left, used forceps to pull the fish out of Sam’s throat
Sam Quilliam holds a larger version of the Dover sole that choked him. Matt Harrison, left, used forceps to pull the fish out of Sam’s throat

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