Daily Express

May is warned: ‘No more concession­s’ to Brussels

- By David Maddox

A POWERFUL Brexit group has warned Theresa May there must be “no more concession­s” amid signs the EU is preparing for a humiliatin­g climbdown over trade talks.

Leave Means Leave, which is supported by more than 50 Tory MPs and MEPs, says Mrs May must not bow to pressure from the Germans to commit in writing to paying a divorce bill.

It comes as a senior MEP has claimed that Brussels is “panicking” over the increasing prospect of “no deal” as it finally orders preparatio­ns to begin for trade talks with the UK.

Michel Barnier, the European Commission’s chief negotiator, on Thursday claimed there was “deadlock” on talks and refused to move the negotiatio­ns on to trade because of a lack of progress on a divorce bill.

But he was immediatel­y undermined by a draft paper submitted to Donald Tusk – president of the European Council, which represents member states’ government­s – saying trade talks could begin in December.

The document suggested the other 27 members start preparing for trade talks.

It is believed that only Angela Merkel’s German government is trying to block trade talks, in the hope that Britain will commit to pay billions of pounds as a divorce bill.

John Longworth, the joint chairman of Leave Means Leave, said that after Theresa May’s Florence speech there must be “no more concession­s” to get the EU to move the talks on to trade. He warned against the UK “appeasing” the EU.

Tory MEP David Campbell Bannerman said: “They are panicking in Brussels because they know that without a deal they will get no money at all from us and tariffs will hurt them more than they will hurt Britain.”

WE LIVE in the greatest country in the world and yet sometimes a story comes along that makes you ashamed to be British. Such is the case with Matthew and Carly Lunn, the newly married couple who thought it would be “funny” to stage a picture of themselves performing a sex act in front of a Greek monastery in Rhodes. What possessed them? How could they possibly not foresee the grave sense of shock it would produce?

The Greek Orthodox Church has now banned all foreign weddings at the site and who can blame them? Nor is it just the Greeks who are appalled.

The vast majority of people, in the UK as much as anywhere else, will be utterly disgusted. What has happened to standards? To people’s sense of decency?

This is the kind of picture that no self-respecting couple would take and make public anywhere in the world, let alone in front of a church. More to the point what kind of person poses for a picture of that kind? It shows how lightly they take the idea of marriage.

Is it any wonder that Britain has such a bad reputation for repulsive behaviour abroad? As for the couple themselves, chances are they will strongly regret it. Family members have already spoken of their disgust and should they be blessed with children, it’s hard to imagine their offspring would much enjoy such a spectacle.

Shame on them, truly, for shame. They’ve brought disgrace not just on themselves but to their country as well.

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