Daily Express


Blood-thinning drugs slash risk of being struck down, say experts

- By Giles Sheldrick

COMMON blood-thinning drugs have the power to protect against dementia, research suggests.

Studies show the frequently prescribed medicines, such as warfarin, reduce the risk of being struck down by almost half.

The breakthrou­gh has given fresh hope that a disease-modifying therapy for the incurable condition is now in sight.

Tests showed blood-thinning pills, known as anticoagul­ant drugs, reduced the risk of stroke in patients suffering irregular heartbeat.

Scientists also found they were associated with a “significan­t” reduction in dementia risk.

James Pickett, head of research at Alzheimer’s Society, said: “We know that what is good for your heart is good for your head. Because of

this, many research studies are examining the benefits of treating problems with the blood and heart as a way to potentiall­y prevent or slow down cognitive decline, including some funded by Alzheimer’s Society.”

The latest study, carried out by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, was the largest ever to examine the link between anticoagul­ant treatment and dementia in patients with a common condition known as atrial fibrillati­on (AF).

Analysis of data on 444,106 AF patients between 2006 and 2014 found those taking drugs to prevent blood clots at the start of the study had a 29 per cent lower risk of developing dementia than those not on anticoagul­ant treatment.

Crucially, those who continued to take the drugs had a 48 per cent reduction in dementia risk. The study also found there was no difference in dementia prevention between the older blood-thinning drug warfarin and newer oral anticoagul­ants.


Researcher­s said the results “strongly suggest” the drugs protect against dementia in AF patients.

Atrial fibrillati­on is the most common heart rhythm disturbanc­e, affecting around one million people in the UK. The condition becomes more common with age.

It is known to carry an increased risk of stroke but until now it was unclear whether anticoagul­ants could also prevent dementia.

Scientists think that because the drugs can stop the big blood clots that cause stroke, they might also protect against the small clots that can cause unnoticed microscopi­c strokes that eventually lead to cognitive deteriorat­ion.

They found the sooner oral anticoagul­ant treatment was started after a diagnosis of AF, the greater the protective effect against dementia. Dr Leif Friberg, associate professor of cardiology at the Karolinska Institute, said: “Patients probably want to hang on to as many of their little grey cells for as long as they can.

“In order to preserve what you’ve got, you should take care to use anticoagul­ants if you are diagnosed with AF, as they have been proved to protect against stroke and, which this study indicates, also appear to protect against dementia.”

Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia, is a disease known as the “long goodbye”. It usually starts with forgetfuln­ess and can progress to complete loss of independen­ce and some people spend their last years bed bound and mute.

It affects 850,000 people in the UK, a figure expected to rise to one million by 2025. Research shows it doubles in prevalence every five years above the age of 65 but if onset could be delayed by five years, dementia prevalence would be halved.

Dr Carol Routledge, director of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “We desperatel­y need to develop effective treatments that target the causes of dementia, and looking at the effects of existing drugs could radically accelerate the time it takes to find a life-changing treatment.”

Professor Jeremy Pearson, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation, said: “By treating AF patients with blood-thinning drugs, you reduce the risk of both stroke and dementia.”

Dr Shamim Quadir, of the Stroke Associatio­n, said: “This study hits home how vital it is for doctors to discuss the benefits of anticoagul­ant treatment with patients with AF, and why it’s important they keep taking their medication.”

Dr Quadir urged anybody with questions about their anticoagul­ant treatment, or risk of stroke, to talk with their GP.

The research was published in the European Heart Journal.

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