Daily Express

Vile language that reveals true face of Labour today


UNTIL this week, it’s unlikely that the name Jared O’Mara had entered your consciousn­ess – other perhaps than for a fleeting moment in June when he unseated Nick Clegg as MP for Sheffield Hallam.

But he is someone, I would suggest, who repays study. Not simply because of his own actions but because Mr O’Mara is a recognisab­le type – and from him we can learn some lessons about the Labour Party today under its hard-Left leadership.

Mr O’Mara has cerebral palsy. It is admirable that he has not let that be a barrier to what is undoubtedl­y the huge achievemen­t of becoming an MP – and at just 35 years old. But that is where the admiration ends.

Because it turns out that Mr O’Mara is a bigoted, rude and snarling individual who shames his party.

Or perhaps I should write, who should shame his party – because since his character emerged, the Labour Party has smothered him in a warm protective blanket. This week it was revealed that, before becoming an MP, Mr O’Mara left a series of revolting posts on various internet sites.

In one, he wrote that the jazz musician Jamie Cullen should be “sodomised” to death. In another he said that overweight women (“fatties”) do not “deserve our respect”. And elsewhere, he asked to have an orgy with the pop group Girls Aloud. He is also reported to have performed a song with the line: “I wish I were a misogynist, I’d smash her in the face.”

And these comments are just the tip of the iceberg.

SINCE being exposed by the Guido Fawkes website, Mr O’Mara has issued what he thinks is an apology. Twice.

He first wrote this: “These comments were posted years ago, with no offence intended. I apologise for any caused.” It’s a classic of its kind – apologisin­g for any “offence” caused rather than the substance of his words.

But when it became clear that this didn’t come close to being satisfacto­ry, he came out with some more elaborate words, in which he said he was “deeply ashamed of the comments I made online”.

But here is where the real

 ??  ?? ABUSE: O’Mara’s behaviour was totally unacceptab­le
ABUSE: O’Mara’s behaviour was totally unacceptab­le
 ??  ??

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