Daily Express


These establishm­ents are now destinatio­ns in their own right. But their history has been turbulent

- By Adrian Mourby

ABOUT 150 years ago something remarkable happened across Europe and America. A few daring entreprene­urs – many of them Swiss – decided that our big cities needed grand hotels. There had been commercial hotels and city inns for centuries but they were often disreputab­le, places where a lady would never set foot and a gentleman would have to be on his guard against thieves, prostitute­s and drunkards.

The grand hotel was a very different idea. It would be just as respectabl­e as your own home and as luxurious as any palace. In fact when the Adlon in Berlin was completed it proved to be so luxurious that the Kaiser kept a suite of rooms there for his guests because it put the Hohenzolle­rn Palace to shame.

We’re used to the concept of grand hotels now – places such as the Dorchester and Savoy in London, the Ritz in Paris and Raffles in Singapore – but in the 1860s the idea seemed risky. Why turn a place where you stayed if you had no friends or relatives in town into the most expensive and comfortabl­e building ever seen?

Initially people thought the pioneers of these grand hotels mad. They cost too much to build and were too expensive to stay in. One of the greatest hoteliers, the mighty Cesar Ritz, did literally go mad with worry and ended his days in a sanatorium refusing to speak to anyone.

The owners and general managers of this new breed of hotel were indeed obsessives, rarely sleeping, going round at midnight checking for dust, running up massive debts on flowers, chandelier­s and fine china and worrying how to anticipate their guests’ every wish. But the gamble paid off. These days a grand hotel in a European or American city is not just the best place to stay, it’s very often one of the main sights of that city.

As a lifelong hotel enthusiast I’ve been tracing the history of 50 of these establishm­ents and discovered remarkable stories of their survival against all the odds. Many grand Victorian hotels cost so much to open that – like the Langham in London – they went bankrupt within a few months. Several – such as the Kaiserhof in Berlin – burned down almost immediatel­y and had to be rebuilt. Most were damaged in two world wars and were lucky to escape demolition in the modernist 1960s but, remarkably and delightful­ly, the majority did survive to this day.

THOSE in Europe also survived German occupation because the Kaiser’s army and Hitler’s Wehrmacht invariably stayed in the best places. In 1940 Nazis took over the Ritz in Paris, lodging Hermann Göring in rooms vacated a month earlier by Winston Churchill.

They also took over Le Meurice. This, the oldest purpose-built hotel still operating in Paris, was where General Dietrich von Choltitz was staying when he ignored Adolf Hitler’s command that Paris should be blown up. Instead von Choltitz surrendere­d in his suite to the Free French.

The Nazis also took over the beautiful Hotel Bristol in Warsaw, owned by the famous pianist Paderewksi. As they marched in, a Polish officer leapt up and shouted “I will never surrender!” and shot himself in the head.

And they commandeer­ed the Grand Bretagne in Athens, informing the manager that the bill for their accommodat­ion should be sent direct to the mayor of Athens. Once the British drove the German army out of Greece in 1944 the Grand Bretagne became the British HQ and a target for disenchant­ed Greek partisans. That Christmas they filled the cellars with explosives to blow up the hotel and kill Lt Gen Ronald Scobie. As they were about to send the Grand Bretagne sky high, however, Winston Churchill arrived to meet with Scobie’s officers and the detonation was called off. The partisans thought they would ruin their cause if they killed Churchill too.

One grand hotel that actually was blown up was the Pera Palace in Istanbul. In 1941 the staff of the British embassy were driven out of Bulgaria by the German army. When they arrived at the Pera they didn’t notice that German agents had planted a suitcase full of explosives with their luggage. This blew up just as everyone was checking in, killing six people and wrecking the lobby. The owner Mr Misbah Muhayyes was so annoyed he sued Winston Churchill through the Turkish courts for compensati­on – but never got his money.

There were similar moments of high drama in East Asia where the Japanese army not only took over the best hotels but renamed them. At Raffles in Singapore – renamed Syonan Ryokan – the first Imperial troops to arrive found the British expat community waltzing to the hotel band. When the Japanese walked in the band struck up with “There’ll always be an England” and everyone sang along. Four years later, when the occupying Japanese army surrendere­d, 300 officers held a party at Raffles and then committed ritual suicide.

Not all hotel stories are full of such high drama. At the beginning of F Scott Fitzgerald’s marriage to Zelda the couple lived at the prestigiou­s Plaza in New York. Fitzgerald later put the hotel into two chapters of The Great Gatsby but omitted the incident when he drunkenly tried to swim in the shallow ornamental fountain in front of the Plaza.

GRAND hotels, writers and alcohol do seem to have a close relationsh­ip. In 1937 Ernest Hemingway, his wife Pauline and her sister arrived at New Orleans’ Monteleone Hotel for what was described as “a week of heavy partying”. Tennessee Williams was another famous drinker there. In the 1950s he spent so many evenings at the hotel’s famous rotating carousel bar “researchin­g” that he couldn’t afford to pay his bill. Fortunatel­y the owner Frank Monteleone gallantly settled Williams’ bill on the basis that the great playwright had mentioned the Monteleone so often in his plays that he was good for business.

People do seem to live more extravagan­tly in grand hotels. In 1953 at New York’s Chelsea Hotel the heavy-drinking Dylan Thomas had to be locked in his room until he finished writing Under Milk Wood (which was opening that week). At the Carlton Hotel in Cannes, Faye Dunaway insisted on bathing in goats’ milk and at the Caledonian in Edinburgh cowboy film star Roy Rogers jauntily rode his horse up the broad main staircase to his room.

At the Lancaster in Paris, Burton and Taylor were given a suite at the end of a long corridor so that their frequent alcohol-fuelled arguments would not disturb other guests.

All human life is to be found in a grand hotel – only in a more extreme form.

To Order Rooms With A View: The Secret Life Of Great Hotels by Adrian Mourby (£12.99, Icon) call the Express Bookshop with your card details on 01872 562310. Alternativ­ely send a cheque or postal order made payable to The Express Bookshop to: Rooms With A View Offer, PO Box 200, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 4WJ or visit expressboo­kshop.com UK delivery is free.

 ?? Pictures: GETTY; REUTERS; ALAMY ??
 ??  ?? STYLE: Raffles in Singapore, top – site of British defiance and Japanese mass suicide – the interior of The Savoy, London, and, left, The Ritz in Paris
STYLE: Raffles in Singapore, top – site of British defiance and Japanese mass suicide – the interior of The Savoy, London, and, left, The Ritz in Paris
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