Daily Express

Mum’s living nightmare

- Matt Baylis on the weekend’s TV

I’M OFTEN harking back to the Eighties, not for the music or the haircuts but because TV drama had its heyday then. Barely a week went by when you couldn’t see something one-off, original and good, if not great.

Those days are not gone though as the presence of UNSPEAKABL­E (Sunday, C4) reminded us. The one-off, hour-long format was ideally suited to the subject of David Nath’s play, with its atmosphere of doubt mounting over the course of a long weekend.

Indira Varma played Jo, a busy mum head-over-heels in love with new boyfriend Danny (Luke Treadaway).

He’d recently moved in, her children Katie (Nina Sorrentino) and Ben (Lucas Bond) adored him and soon he was going to be in sole charge while Jo went away on a work trip.

The only flies in the ointment were the sort of flies always in the ointment. Katie seemed moody and her dad, Jo’s ex, Des (Neil Maskell) wasn’t chuffed about handing the kids over to the new bloke on Sunday.

Then it all ripped at the seams, in a very modern way, as Jo received an anonymous text. Its contents, as the title suggested, were unspeakabl­e, alleging an inappropri­ate relationsh­ip between Danny and 12-year-old Katie.

The ensuing drama avoided the ugly details of child abuse and instead pulled on the lever of many a great thriller. Who can you trust?

It was cleverly done, down to the fine details. Just as Jo was about to get her bombshell text she walked past a group of schoolyard mums, one of whom flashed a dirty look. As she got home the neighbour over the road was talking to the police.

When Danny returned from his shift as an A&E nurse it was as if a switch had been flicked and everything he said could be read in a different way.

“Has she said something?” Danny asked, when Jo said Katie had been in an odd mood. “She’s 12 going on 15,” he commented later. The story spun us around as it spun Jo, so that by the time Danny saw the texts we couldn’t decide what his outburst meant.

If you were innocent would you threaten to kill the person making the allegation­s or put all your energy into making the people who mattered believe you?

Ultimately the secret of this drama’s success was slightly its undoing. You can do much in an hour but you can’t do too many twists.

I’d hoped, because it was too blooming obvious, that Jo wouldn’t find out who was behind the texts when she stormed around to her exhusband’s house.

That was a hope too far but if there were more one-off dramas about then the bar wouldn’t be so high. Perhaps I’m just hard to please, though.

BLUE PLANET II (Sunday BBC1) trawled the bottom of the oceans, a place we know less about than Mars, where the griffins and dragons mediaeval monks drew on their maps look not so fanciful after all. I did wonder, as we looked at the assorted fluorescen­t space umbrellas and the self-cloning strings of fairy lights, if this was less stunning than last week.

We expect the deep to be full of weird-looking things and ultimately their appearance is the most weird thing about them.

Last week we got a tuskfish that used tools and a Japanese wrasse that had a sex change. Compared to them, the deep looked quite shallow.

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