Daily Express


- By Giles Sheldrick

BRITISH taxpayers have been sending £2million to Zimbabwe every week to “promote democracy”, it emerged last night.

Figures show the corruption­ridden country under the despotic regime of Robert Mugabe, currently under house arrest following a military coup, received almost £100million in foreign aid last year.

The country’s £99.7million aid package formed part of the £13.4billion gifted by the UK in Official Developmen­t Assistance.

Mugabe, 93, who has led Zimbabwe since independen­ce in 1980, has been accused of election rigging and brutally stifling opposition.

It is understood the Department for Internatio­nal Developmen­t does not give money directly to the government of Zimbabwe, instead working with non-profit organisati­ons.

Part of DFID’s work includes “supporting a peaceful democratic transition”, “improving government transparen­cy” and “improving the way the economy and public finances are managed by the government of Zimbabwe to support economic developmen­t and poverty reduction”.

Meanwhile, Britain boosted the financial handouts to Pakistan from £374million in 2015 to £463million last year.

The country is now the biggest recipient of UK foreign aid, despite developing its own space and nuclear weapons programmes.

The spending scandals are just two highlighte­d by the Daily Express as part of our Stop The Foreign Aid Madness crusade which demands the Government slashes the ODA budget and diverts cash into services here in the UK.

Ukip deputy leader Margot Parker said: “Figures show the UK sent £13.4billion worth of ODA money in 2016. We are sending £2million a week to Zimbabwe to promote democracy and almost half a billion pounds a year to Pakistan – a state armed with nuclear weapons and its own space programme. This is simply ridiculous – this money would be better spent on our health service and social care provisions.”

The Daily Express crusade has been backed by 75,000 readers and a host of cross party politician­s.

To sign the petition calling for a rethink on aid on the Government website visit petition.parliament.uk/ petitions/200292

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