Daily Express



JUST consider the basic facts. He is aged 39 and named Abdulrahme­n Mohammed. He comes from Somalia. He arrived here aged 17 after a hideous upbringing back in Mogadishu. We British gave him a home and safety. His response?

A life of violent crime involving 30 conviction­s over a 15-year spree with chance after chance to reform and “go straight”. Eventually ordered to be deported and that was back in 2008 – more than nine years ago. Since then appeal after appeal, with fancy and expensive lawyers, all paid for by you and me. It can’t get any worse? Be patient.

Tribunal judge after tribunal judge found that they couldn’t actually carry out the finding of 2008 because he might be in danger in Somalia. (No mention of those who might be in danger from him.) Still not had enough? We have just paid him almost £80,000 compensati­on for being held in custody while the last appeal went through. The reason, according to his Lordship, was that as “there was no prospect of deporting him” so he should never have been on remand in custody. Not a word from the bench to explain why there was “no prospect” of chucking this career thug out, which would only have been fulfilling the decision of 2008.

I have long taken the view that so long as our politicos and judges can continue in their indulged and wellpaid slots on the public payroll they really don’t give a stuff about the rest of us and our country will continue as a lucrative home for the 30,000 foreign criminals to whom we presently play host. It would be so quick and simple to pass a law that three offences involving violence and a foreign thug is simply on the next plane home with every encouragem­ent to appeal from there via the embassy. That’s what the French do, and no one objects.

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