Daily Express




WITH only a week and a half left before Christmas, it’s high time for the Donald J Trump songbook, so let’s start with HARK THE DONALD’S HERALDS:

Hark the Donald’s Heralds’ Tune, Cut your nonsense Kim Jong-Un. No more warnings, no mistake, Time that you applied the brake. Read these words of my epistle, No more tests or nucl’ar miss’le, One more bomb and it’s farewell I can blow you guys to hell. Hark the Donald’s Heralds’ croon, We shall blow you past the moon.

I’m by all the world adored, I’m the Presidenti­al Lord. All the others are just fools, I can make and break the rules. Peace on earth is just for losers, Not for tough, no-nonsense bruisers, Be they friend or be they foe, I shall tell them where to go, All the world can scrape and bow, I’m on the nucl’ar button now.

O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL O come all, ye faithful Donald Trump supporters, O come ye, O come ye to Washington. Come and behold me, Voted King of Ev’rything, O come, let all adore me O come, let all adore me O come, let all adore me, I’m the best.

O LITTLE TOWN OF JERUSALEM O Little Town, Jerusalem, I’m not sure where you are. But that don’t matter, ‘cos I’m sure It’s very, very far. And it seems to me a sassy choice For Israel’s cap’tal town, So that is where my embassy’s voice Will soon be booming down.

They tell me now that Palestine Is vexed by my latest call. I’ve looked it up upon the map, And can’t find them at all. But if they’re really, really mad, At anything I’ve said, I’ll let them move to North Korea When Kim Jong-Un is dead.

ONCE IN REGAL DONALD’S CITY Once in Regal Donald’s City Stood a highly monument of brick, Where a wise man built a pretty Hotel complex, rich and slick. Donald was that man so wise, Plotting all his enemies’ demise.

He came down to Washington one

summer, Said “This place needs shakin’ up, This administra­tion’s such a bummer, I shall sack them all, straight up.” He replaced the White House staff, With his cronies, what a laugh!

Thinks that he can rule the world by

tweeting In the middle of the night, Told Theresa, “stop your bleating, What I say is always right. Don’t you get in such a tizz. You just mind the UK’s biz.”

All Theresa said was maybe, He should sometimes stop and think, Ere retweeting right-wing propaganda, But her message caused a stink. Don’t dis Donald, if you please; With such allies, who needs enemies?

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