Daily Express

Heseltine: Corbyn’s better than Brexit

- By Macer Hall

TORY veteran Lord Heseltine has risked infuriatin­g his party’s colleagues by claiming a Jeremy Corbyn government could be better for Britain than Brexit.

In his most outspoken outburst yet, the former Cabinet minister suggested the “short-term pain” of hard-Left rule would be preferable to the “long-term” effects of leaving the EU.

He also claimed Labour may give up its ambivalent stance on Brexit and back staying in the EU – leaving the current Government “holding the baby”.

His remarks are likely to enhance the 84-year-old’s reputation as one of the most extreme opponents of Brexit in Tory ranks. Lord Heseltine – who was deputy prime minister in John Major’s administra­tion in the 1990s – spoke out in an interview for online political news channel The Limehouse Podcast.

Asked what could happen under five years of a Labour government, he said: “Their damage tends to be shortterm and capable of rectificat­ion. Brexit is not short-term and is not easily capable of rectificat­ion.

“There will be those who question whether the short-term pain justifies the avoidance of the long-term disaster.”

Lord Heseltine claimed public opinion was already turning against Brexit, saying: “If you look at the polls there is probably a bigger majority against Brexit than the referendum secured. But that, I think, will continue to happen – it will become more and more unpopular as people realise what it’s all about.

“When that happens the Labour Party will move, and the present Government will be left holding the baby.

“But you have to realise the present Government is supported by large numbers of people as opposed to Brexit as I am. How long will they remain within the tribe and loyal to the party?”

The Tory peer said the most interestin­g thing about Mr Corbyn was that he was now considered a potential PM, adding: “People of my generation could never have anticipate­d that.”

 ??  ?? Heseltine is fierce Brexit critic
Heseltine is fierce Brexit critic

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