Daily Express

A lovely picture but wrong message


ET 2017 has ended on a note of hope as the Met Police are reviewing 30 cases. I can only pray that other forces will follow their example.

May next year be wonderful for the Queen as she slowly steps back from decades of duty and welcomes another great grandchild into the world. May it also bring justice for Afghan interprete­rs in general and Hazifullah Husseinkhe­l in particular. His treatment is an affront to all who call themselves British.

Finally, let the year be one in which Christians in this country are once more free to say what their faith teaches without being discipline­d or losing jobs. I JOIN in with the demands for more resources for the Armed Services. Our boys should never go into battle with anything less than state-of-the-art equipment and there should never be too few troops to manage several simultaneo­us deployment­s.

Nor should the Army Reserve ever be under strength and we need the nuclear deterrent to deter potential aggressors.

Defence is and always will be the first and most important social security. Ergo, it should always have a high priority in public expenditur­e.

Likewise the NHS must too, so why are these two department­s wasting money that should be spent THE photograph of little Princess Charlotte on the Royal Christmas card was charming but I regret that the Royals are following the rapidly growing trend of putting oneself on one’s card.

It is, after all, nothing to do with the meaning of Christmas which is about the dawn of redemption and the child in the manger.

William will one day be Supreme Governor of the Church of England so one might expect that he knows that.

Anyway why do so many people now assume other people want pictures of them hanging over the tree rather than scenes of the season?


on their front line services? First the NHS squanders scarce resources sending out questionna­ires to primary schools asking pupils barely old enough to read if they have any worries about their gender.

Thanks, guys. How many operations might that have paid for? Then the Army, yes the Army, was about to throw away some £500,000 to change its recruitmen­t slogan “Be The Best” because it was perceived as elitist and might frighten off potential applicants. Luckily, the Defence Secretary put the move on hold.

No wonder Philip Hammond is not so keen to loosen the purse strings.

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