Daily Express

‘The couple have not been seen together for four months’


Dec, 42. Lisa, as ever, remained in England to work on Strictly Come Dancing for the BBC.

But the friend said that this time the separation was different.

The source said: “When Ant was out of the country, she had some real breathing space and could just get on with her life and career.”

Ant is also reported to have reassessed his marriage while the pair have been apart, deciding that staying together may not be possible.

A source close to the TV presenter confirmed: “It’s very sad but he sees no way back for their marriage.”

The couple have not been seen together for four months and spent the Christmas holidays hundreds of miles apart.

Ant went up Christine’s home upon Tyne.

It has been reported that Ant had looked to Christine for support directly after he left rehab in August.

On Saturday, he returned to London with his sister, arriving in time for Ant to take 40-year-old Sarah to a sold-out performanc­e of A Christmas Carol at The Old Vic in London, starring Rhys Ifans.

Sarah and her pet beagle are believed to have stayed with him for the New Year celebratio­ns at the upmarket rented home.

It is understood that Ant and Lisa accept that divorce will be inevitable.

But sources say she is reluctant to issue an official statement yet. to his mother near Newcastle Lisa, Ant, Dec and ex-actress girlfriend Clare Buckfield in 1998. Right, Ant and Lisa in 2015

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