Daily Express

‘I’m just scared for Laura. It kills me that we can’t do anything to help her’


feeling so helpless not knowing what my sister is going through every day.”

Laura’s mother Roberta Synclair visited her daughter at the police station on Thursday, where she was taken after one night in Qena jail.

Rachel said: “She’s obviously frightened but she’s OK.

“The room she was in was better than the previous cell and the police were very good with Laura and my mum. Very profession­al.

“It was fine – there was a bed and Laura had a blanket and a cushion that we had brought her on a previous trip.

“Mum is distraught and heartbroke­n but if Laura can cope she can cope.

“We say we are living a nightmare but it will be nothing compared to Laura’s.

“But my mum could see Laura was coping OK. She just wants to get her head down and do her time now.

“The sooner it’s done the sooner she can come home and get back to work which is all Laura wants.”

However Laura’s family, from Hull, still face an agonising wait as they still do not know which prison she will be transferre­d to permanentl­y.

Rachel said: “We’re just so disappoint­ed we didn’t get her home on Boxing Day. It’s horrible – we’ve not had a Christmas because of it and we won’t be celebratin­g New Year. My dad wished me a happy Christmas but then went on to say ‘I know none of us are going to have a happy Christmas but it’s the thing to say’.

“We just wanted Laura back – we said we’ll celebrate when she comes home.”

Meanwhile, a former inmate at an Egyptian prison where Laura could serve her time has revealed the hellish conditions he endured.

British DJ Pete Farmer, said all foreign female prisoners serving sentences similar to Laura’s are transferre­d to alQanater prison where he was held.

The 45-year-old, who lived in Sharm El Sheikh for 11 years, was locked up for two years for robbery after he accidental­ly picked up the wrong bag in a bar, he claims.

Mr Farmer, now staying in Essex with family, said: “I’m a man and I just got through my sentence. For her as a woman – my heart bleeds for her.

“The conditions are absolutely horrendous. Disease is rife, there are cockroache­s and lice and bedbugs.

“It is very, very violent. I can recall being in a line and seeing people being beaten and burned on their private parts with cattle prods.

“It’s horrendous. In my cell there were four sets of bunk beds, each three levels high – so that’s 12 people – with another 15 to 18 on the floor.”

 ??  ?? Jailed shop assistant Laura Plummer and Egyptian boyfriend Omar Caboo, 33
Jailed shop assistant Laura Plummer and Egyptian boyfriend Omar Caboo, 33
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Qena jail where Laura could be sent
Qena jail where Laura could be sent

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