Daily Express

How to make resolution­s last all year

With just one in 10 people achieving their new year goals, ELIZABETH ARCHER asks the experts how to ensure your good intentions continue past January



You know January has arrived when you see hordes of runners puffing and panting along the pavement. Yet by February they’ve vanished faster than you can say “new trainers”.

So how do you make your New Year fitness frenzy into a habit that lasts all year? “Committing to a New Year’s resolution is a big ask. There are bound to be times when you feel off your game,” says Leon Taylor, former Olympic diver and Bare Biology’s Better In 30 expert.

“If you feel like putting your feet up in front of the TV rather than going to the gym, do your exercise first then reward yourself with an episode of your favourite show.

“Find a reward that works for you and don’t feel like you have failed if you become stuck in a rut. Just get back up and start again.”


Whether it’s taking up a new craft such as sewing or baking or finally getting around to penning the novel you always meant to write, it can be hard to find the time to do the things you love. Yet Harriet Griffey, author of I Want To Be Creative, says: “I’d recommend putting all your ideas into a notebook and adding to it as and when inspiratio­n strikes.

“Also try joining a class or club where you can meet like-minded people who will support your efforts. Or find a buddy who is also struggling with their motivation and hold each other accountabl­e.

“Set an achievable goal, whether it’s finishing a painting, performing at a local concert or knitting a scarf for a friend.”


If you’re feeling dreadful after one too many glasses of fizz last night you may well have vowed to have fewer hangovers in 2018. “Most of us tend to go to extremes when we feel like we’ve overdone it and say we’ll never drink again.

“But finding a balance will leave you feeling much less restricted,” says Tanita de Ruijt, wellness guru and author of Tonic: Delicious And Natural Remedies To Boost Your Health.

“Not drinking doesn’t mean you can’t meet friends. Experiment with new drinks on days off. A lot of bars serve alcohol-free alternativ­es that are delicious and healthy too.”


We’d all like to spend more time with loved ones but with modern families living further away from one another it can be a challenge. In fact research by Center Parcs shows that one in three people only see their parents once a year.

“Lots of people make a New Year’s resolution to see more of their families and it’s definitely a great aim to have,” says psychologi­st Emma Kenny.

“From the family counsellin­g I do it’s clear that families who see each other little and often are more likely to have a better sense of wellbeing and less tension around each other as opposed to those who save up their meetings for one or two key moments a year.

“Meeting more often reduces the pressure on each gathering which means that we look forward to it more.”


After Christmas it’s no surprise healthy eating is a priority when it comes to New Year’s resolution­s.

Yet according to life coach and nutritioni­st Chloe Leibowitz, the key to a healthier 2018 is to stop aiming for perfection.

“When we tell ourselves we must be perfect we set ourselves up for a fall,” she says. “Eat a rainbow of fresh foods and notice how your body responds.

“If you do have a day where you want a piece of cake then make a conscious decision to eat it and enjoy it.

“Afterwards carry on without punishing yourself or thinking negative thoughts.”


Are you always losing things only to find them weeks later in a towering pile of clutter? The best way to be more organised in the year ahead is to start by declutteri­ng your home.

“Set realistic expectatio­ns for yourself. You might want to get one room, your wardrobe or all your paperwork organised in a week,” says Gill Hasson, author of Declutter Your Life.

“If the pressure of a deadline is too stressful then just do a bit of organisati­on as often as you can.”


If you’re looking for romance, start by saying “yes” more often. “If friends or family invite you to an event or party, go along as you never know who might be there.

“It will only take a few hours of your time but it could change your life,” says Susie Lane, matchmaker at introducti­ons agency Mutual Attraction. “When you arrange a date, don’t always pick the same café or bar as you can feel a sense of déjà vu after a while.

“If your date likes to play golf, suggest a round of mini-golf or if you’re both into wine, try a wine tasting evening. Having a focus will be a great way of breaking the ice when you meet and will help to overcome any initial nerves.”


Everyone knows smoking is bad for your health but it can be hard to kick the habit, especially during times of stress. “As with any big change, if you decide to quit smoking in the New Year it’s important to have a support system around you,” says Justin Hayde-West from Bupa.

“If a co-worker or friend is also trying to quit, share your progress and challenges with them and support each other’s ups and downs. Working together will reduce your chances of failure as you’ll be letting others down if you have a slip-up.”

There are a wide variety of stop smoking aids available. Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse to help ensure you choose the right option for you.


Whether it’s trekking the Inca Trail or scuba diving off the coast of Australia, most of us have a list of dream destinatio­ns. Amy Baker, travel expert and author of Miss-Adventures, says 2018 is the year to make it happen. “Start putting money aside now from each pay cheque you get – £20 a month soon adds up to a lovely weekend break. “And don’t be afraid of trying a less well-known destinatio­n. Of course it’s going to cost a small fortune to visit the Maldives or Mauritius but there are far cheaper, equally beautiful destinatio­ns to be found off the beaten track. “Make sure you book time off work months in advance though – otherwise you can guarantee life will get in the way and you won’t go.”

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GOALS: Changes can be sustainabl­e
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