Daily Express




Everyone has something to be grateful for, whether it’s family, friends, health or simply waking up for another day.

When we remember to feel thankful for what we have we immediatel­y feel more positive. This is because gratitude activates the regions in the brain associated with the reward chemical dopamine and the feelgood hormone serotonin. TRY: When you feel overwhelme­d, stop and list three things in your life which you are grateful for. You’ll be surprised how much more positive you feel.


The benefits of exercise are endless but they include better self-esteem, increased energy levels and less stress. If you can’t think of something to get your pulse racing then think back to your childhood and what you enjoyed, whether it was ice-skating, dancing, swimming or football. TRY: Choose a type of exercise that you like and dedicate at least 10 minutes a day to it. You’ll be surprised what amazing benefits you reap from just 10 minutes.


We all have an internal monologue – working through past regrets, future worries and mental to-do lists.

Often by the time we’re ready to take action we’re already exhausted with all the thinking we’ve done. To quieten this inner voice, we need to forgive ourselves and try not to dwell on past wrongs. TRY: When you start beating yourself up, stop and make a conscious decision to forgive yourself, just like you would forgive a friend who had done the same thing.

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