Daily Express

Patel demands a probe into Remain campaign spending

- By Macer Hall

FORMER minister Priti Patel yesterday demanded an investigat­ion into alleged breaches of spending rules by Remain campaigner­s before the EU referendum.

The former Internatio­nal Developmen­t Secretary said there was “significan­t evidence” of collusion between anti-Brexit groups to hide their total expenditur­e.

She claimed rules were broken in the push to feed pro-Brussels “propaganda” to voters.

Ms Patel has written to government watchdog the Electoral Commission to call for a probe into the Remainers’ activities.

She said: “There needs to be a thorough investigat­ion into the actions, expenditur­e and financial probity of Remain campaigner­s, who appear to have flouted the rules to advance their cause in concert with each other. It cannot be right that Remain campaigner­s can so blatantly flout the rules to feed the British people their propaganda.

“As well as co-ordinating campaignin­g and spending, they used every organ of the British state to try to bully people into staying in the EU.

“They even spent £9million of taxpayers’ money on a campaign leaflet, breaking the normal rules of fair play of our democratic system.

“Brexit will be a great liberation for this country but the leadership of the Remain campaign must still be held to account for its actions.”

In the run-up to the June 2016 referendum, caps were set for each party and the various Leave and Remain campaign groups.

Ms Patel pointed to a book written by Sir Craig Oliver, an aide to David Cameron while Prime Minister, that she claims showed co-ordination went on between anti-Brexit groups.

“It is simply inconceiva­ble that this did not involve referendum expenses being incurred pursuant to a common plan or other arrangemen­t,” she said.

A spokesman for Britain Stronger In Europe said the group “always complied fully with the Electoral Commission rules on working together and included any instances of it happening in our return”.

An Electoral Commission spokesman said: “We consider and assess possible breaches of the rules consistent with our published Enforcemen­t Policy and will review the content of Priti Patel’s letter before deciding whether any action is required.”

 ??  ?? Priti Patel wrote to the Electoral Commission
Priti Patel wrote to the Electoral Commission

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