Daily Express

Let’s talk says Trump after May’s bid to ‘clear the air’

- By Macer Hall Political Editor

A WHITE House spokesman said last night Donald Trump will meet Theresa May next week.

Her aides had been seeking a meeting with the US President when both are at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerlan­d.

White House sources had suggested the President did not have time but last night there was a change of heart.

A spokesman for Mrs May said yesterday: “We will set out details for bilateral meetings in due course. We won’t get into details about conversati­ons with the White House.”

Downing Street officials have been attempting to arrange a “clear the air” meeting following the President’s surprise decision to cancel a visit to London next month.

He had been due attend the opening of the new US Embassy building in Nine Elms but last week scrapped the plan, criticisin­g his predecesso­r Barack Obama’s administra­tion for the cost of the embassy.

Earlier this week, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson claimed the visit had been cancelled to let the Prime Minister “focus on Brexit”. Meanwhile Mr Trump, who today marks a year since his inaugurati­on, has visited a golf club on around one of every four days in the past 12 months, figures showed yesterday. He has spent time at a resort on 91 of the past 364 days, according to White House schedules and press reports. He has made the most visits to the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey – on 40 separate days.

 ??  ?? Trump will meet Mrs May at Davos
Trump will meet Mrs May at Davos

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