Daily Express

Government must be competent, not revolution­ary


GLOOM has descended on the Conservati­ve Party fuelled by stagnant poll ratings, Cabinet divisions and setbacks such as the collapse of constructi­on giant Carillion. But some Tories think they have the solution to this despondenc­y. Their answer is that Theresa May should be more courageous and enterprisi­ng, with caution giving way to radicalism.

“Where’s the bold and the brave? So far it’s dull, dull, dull,” says veteran backbenche­r Sir Nicholas Soames.

“There is a timidity and lack of ambition about Mrs May’s Government which means it constantly disappoint­s,” said Nick Boles, MP for Grantham.

The answer to the Tories’ problems is not audacity but competence. Dull, solid, governance is exactly what Britain requires. In response to the nation’s difficulti­es ministers should exhibit administra­tive proficienc­y rather than headline-grabbing flashiness. After all, Theresa May rose to the top through her reputation for steadiness under fire. That is the quality she needs to display now.

Contrary to what many claim, running a country should be quite straightfo­rward. No grandiose vision or overarchin­g ideology is necessary. The driving force should be a determinat­ion to look after the interests of the nation and its people.

THAT means the maintenanc­e of a sound economy where the books are balanced, businesses can flourish and sufficient taxes are raised to provide decent public services. It also means upholding order, cracking down on criminalit­y and protecting borders.

Even Brexit is not nearly as complicate­d as its enemies pretend. Freedom from EU rule is not some radical departure but merely a return to the independen­ce that Britain enjoyed for centuries before we joined the Common Market in 1973. National autonomy, complete with control over laws, trade, immigratio­n, justice and taxes, is exactly the status of most democratic countries on earth. It is the EU with its dogma for federalist integratio­n that is truly revolution­ary.

Politician­s’ demands for boldness are often inspired not by a genuine concern for the national interest but by vanity. SOLID: Theresa May has a reputation for steadiness They seek to portray themselves as members of a heroic vanguard, shaping our society and guiding our destiny.

It is that desire to parade their virtue that lies behind the monstrous £13.3billon foreign aid budget, the bizarre obsession with transgende­r politics and the neurotic addiction to multi-cultural diversity, all of them imposed without any mandate from the electorate.

In the same vein the enthusiasm for supposed bravery leads to the triumph of fashionabl­e theories over tested practice. George Orwell wrote that “some ideas are so foolish that only an intellectu­al would believe them”. Unfortunat­ely politician­s in their eagerness to appear radical have frequently surrendere­d to the misguided intellectu­als.

Since the 1960s the education system has been profoundly damaged by enthusiasm for so-called “child-centred learning”, which has undermined traditiona­l teaching methods and broken classroom discipline.

Similarly the progressiv­e belief that offenders are victims of society has wrecked the justice system and led to decades of soaring crime since the 1950s.

All too often political “bravery” is code for more expenditur­e of taxpayers’ money, more state interventi­on and more bureaucrac­y. The

AS history shows that is the experience of all government­s which proclaim their boldness. Disillusio­n invariably follows the attempt to don the mantle of radicalism. In 1963 Labour leader Harold Wilson extolled his attachment to “the white heat of the technologi­cal revolution” but he never lived up to the expectatio­ns he created and was defeated in 1970.

His Tory successor Ted Heath declared near the start of his premiershi­p that “we will embark on a change so radical, a revolution so quiet and yet so total that it will go far beyond the programme for a Parliament”. He was out of office within three years.

Margaret Thatcher is often seen as a daring visionary but in reality she was at her best when she was heroically pragmatic, like in her fights against the unions and Argentina. In contrast she was at her worst when she was stridently ideologica­l as in her disastrous insistence on the poll tax.

Sir Nicholas Soames should recognise that one of the most successful of all post-war administra­tions was led in the early 1950s by his grandfathe­r Winston Churchill who, approachin­g the age of 80, had no grand dream at all beyond gentle reform and efficient rule. Today’s Conservati­ves cannot outbid Corbyn’s radicalism or profligacy. But they can defeat him with effective governance.

‘Demands for boldness are inspired by vanity’

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