Daily Express

You’ll never be rid of me, stalker boss told ex-love

- By Jan Disley

AN OBSESSED boss stalked a former co-worker for a year, spying on her at home, work and on the school run, a court heard.

David Chell, 51, trailed Lorna Baker as she went about her daily routine and sent her creepy messages, including: “You look well – I will be watching you but you will not see me.”

Admin officer Miss Baker, who had a five-year romance with her former boss, would spot him driving behind her or passing her in the street, even though he lived nearly 50 miles away, and would be parked in a lay-by when she dropped or picked up her two children from primary school.

One night, as she was about to go bed, she had a message saying: “Don’t turn out the lights, I might be leaving soon and if so please say goodbye.”

When Miss Baker told Chell to leave her alone, he retorted “You will never be rid of me” and even claimed he was dying.

Miss Baker, in her 40s, said: “I felt like I was being watched all the time and it’s a horrible, horrible feeling.”

Chell, of Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordsh­ire, was convicted of stalking after a trial at Manchester magistrate­s court.

District judge James Hatton banned Chell from contacting Miss Baker for three years, gave him community service and ordered him to pay a total of £625 in costs.

The judge told him: “It makes the case very serious indeed because of the persistenc­e.”

The court heard the couple began dating in 2011 when Miss Baker worked at the plastics factory in Trafford Park where Chell was commercial director.

They split up in January 2016, but she received silent calls and Chell, who has children from his former marriage, started following her on the school run in Sale.

Miss Baker told the hearing on Tuesday: “I found the thought of someone watching me or following me when I don’t see them very creepy.”

Chell, who represente­d himself, denied stalking and said he felt guilty about leaving her after they split up. He said: “I didn’t harass her in any way, shape or form. I only sent messages telling her how sorry I am and finding out how she is.

“I would like to say I’m very sorry for any hurt or harm I’ve caused Miss Baker. I loved the woman I just couldn’t live with someone else’s children.”

 ??  ?? David Chell, above, trailed his former girlfriend Lorna Baker for a year
David Chell, above, trailed his former girlfriend Lorna Baker for a year
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