Daily Express

The Prime Minister who blamed himself for the death of his war hero son

A newly revised book based on letters written by Raymond Asquith reveals the feud between him and his famous father Herbert while he served on the front line

- By Jane Warren

HE WAS a distinguis­hed scholar and highly regarded barrister who became the symbol of the lost talent of a generation. The recipient of no less than four scholarshi­ps at Oxford University, Raymond Asquith was the eldest son of the First World War Prime Minister Herbert Asquith and was on course to follow his father into politics. An inspiratio­nal future seemed assured but the Great War changed everything.

On September 15, 1916, while serving as an officer with the Grenadier Guards at the Battle of the Somme on France’s Western Front, Raymond was killed.

It was his father who had been responsibl­e for taking the United Kingdom into war in the first place. And as the 37-year-old lieutenant and father-of-three lay dying on the front line the Prime Minister was at Number 10 plotting the next move in the terrible stalemate of trench warfare. But his devastatin­g personal loss utterly derailed him. Raymond’s sister Violet, grandmothe­r of the actress Helena Bonham Carter, wrote in a letter, “…to see Father suffering so wrings one”.

Within three months of his son’s death, the man who set the stage for the welfare state in Britain resigned following criticism over his handling of the war effort and was succeeded by his War Secretary, David Lloyd George.

Asquith was said to have spent the months after his son’s death “withdrawn and difficult to approach” as he tried to come to terms with his loss. Two other sons survived the war. Herbert served with the Royal Artillery and became a poet. Arthur served with the Royal Naval Division and was seriously wounded in 1917, losing a leg.

However, the Prime Minister’s relationsh­ip with his eldest son, who had outstrippe­d his own intellectu­al achievemen­ts at Oxford, had not always been easy, and was complicate­d by friction between Raymond and his stepmother Margot. The Liberal Party leader had remarried when Raymond was 16, three years after his mother Helen’s death from typhoid.

While away at school and university, Raymond had written frequently to his father in letters preoccupie­d with sport, minor ailments and requests for funds.

BUT a new edition of an anthology of Raymond’s correspond­ence, edited by one of his grandsons, reveals that by the time he was on the front line their relationsh­ip had become deeply strained.

On August 22, 1916, three weeks before he died, a bullish letter Raymond wrote to his wife Katherine from the trenches reveals the extent of the acrimony: “If Margot talks any more bosh to you about the inhumanity of her stepchildr­en you can stop her mouth by telling her that during my 10 months exile here the PM has never written me a line of any descriptio­n. I don’t see why he should. He has plenty of other things to do; and so have I…”

The previous year, on November 26, 1915, Raymond had written to the wife he affectiona­tely called Fawnia in his almost daily letters: “No single member of my family has sent me a letter or anything else during the six weeks or so of my life in France. There is no earthly reason why they should write. But there is no harm in having something up one’s sleeve to throw back in their teeth when they perorate about my heartlessn­ess.”

When in July the following year Margot did write her first letter “since the war began” he replied, but told Katherine: “I don’t flatter myself that anyone but Margot’s maid will read what I wrote.” Before the war he once said that Margot “says and does things you never forget and remembers things that you never say or do”.

However, behind the scenes his father was trying to pull strings to keep his son safe. At the urging of Katherine, the Prime Minister asked General Haig to secure his son a staff job away from the front line. But Raymond didn’t want any special dispensati­on. In January 1916 he explained his desire was for “a tolerably honourable career” and his fear was that away from the front line “my spirit will be so broken I shall have no decent feelings left”. His bravery was to cost him his life.

In his last letter to his wife, on September 12, 1916, he wrote: “As to the staff [job], you must see my pretty, that this is hardly the moment for seeking shelter. I don’t think I shall have the least difficulty in getting a job whenever I want one. It would not be altogether disagreeab­le to come back and do something at the War Office in the winter. I am getting terribly tired of not being at home, and not seeing my sweetest Fawnia. But I must see out the fighting season.”

THREE days later, Lieutenant Raymond Asquith was leading an attack near Ginchy when he was shot in the chest. He managed to light a cigarette to hide the seriousnes­s of his injuries so that his men would continue their advance but as a result of his courage he died while being carried from the front line.

On the day that news of Raymond’s death was announced, the Prime Minister did not attend a scheduled Cabinet meeting but instead visited his daughter-inlaw, where he spent time with his late son’s three young children. The youngest, Julian, who Raymond nicknamed Trim, was just three months old and had met his father only once.

Katherine received many letters of condolence, including one from Raymond’s old friend Winston Churchill who also served on the Western Front as a lieutenant colonel of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. According to Raymond, his larger-than-life friend had relished every aspect of being in the thick of war. On December 12, 1915, Raymond wrote to Katherine: “Absolutely no news today except that Winston rode over to see me… thoroughly enjoying himself and the war.”

Less than a year later, it was Winston’s turn to write to Katherine: “You will have to understand how profoundly and keenly I sympathise with you in your unspeakabl­e sorrow, and how truly I grieve myself for the loss of my brilliant hero-friend. He was one of the very best. These gallant charming figures that flash and gleam amid the carnage – always so superior to it, masters of their souls, disdainful of death and suffering – are an inspiratio­n and an example to us all. He was one of the very best.”

Katherine received her final letter from Raymond – which ended with a portent of doom and an expression of devotion – after his death. “Tomorrow we shall move forward again, probably into the line,” he wrote. “Angel, I send you all my love. Remember me to Trim.”

To order Raymond Asquith: Life And Letters, by John Jolliffe (The History Press, £12.99) call 01872 562310, or send a cheque to The Express Bookshop to: Asquith Offer, PO Box 200, Falmouth TR11 4WJ. Or visit expressboo­kshop.co.uk. UK delivery is free.

 ?? Pictures: GETTY, ALAMY ??
Pictures: GETTY, ALAMY
 ??  ?? PROTECTIVE: Herbert Asquith, left, tried to pull strings to save his son Raymond
PROTECTIVE: Herbert Asquith, left, tried to pull strings to save his son Raymond
 ??  ?? SACRIFICE: The army officer left behind a wife and three young children
SACRIFICE: The army officer left behind a wife and three young children

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