Daily Express


John cooper clarke


JOHN COOPER CLARKE, 69, is the performanc­e poet who toured with the Sex Pistols and Elvis Costello. His best-known album is Snap, Crackle & Bop. His latest tour kicks off at the Leicester Comedy Festival, February 7-25. comedy-festival.co.uk

HOLY BIBLE: KING JAMES VERSION Collins, £20 This has every story you’ll ever read. Staying in hotels before 24-hour TV, it was just there in the bedside drawer. All the great songs – country, soul – are informed by this book.

THE FLOWERS OF EVIL by Charles Baudelaire Oxford Classics, £8.99 As a young urbanite on a budget, this anthology proved to be pivotal in my developmen­t. He seemed to be ultra-modern before his time and inculcated in me the idea of a profession­al poet. Most of the poetry by Wordsworth and others was rural but this all took place in Paris.

THE SECRET DIARY OF ADRIAN MOLE, AGED 133/4 by Sue Townsend Puffin, £7.99 His pedantic and pessimisti­c idealism was immediatel­y affecting. I read it after it was serialised on Radio Four. It’s incredible that a woman could inhabit the character but, like all great humorists, she knew nothing is funnier than relentless tragedy.

AGAINST NATURE by Joris-Karl Huysmans Penguin, £9.99 This is too rich to read more than a chapter at a time. It’s about a guy who leads an almost monastic life but in utter luxury. He has a black feast to celebrate his loss of libido. Its over-the-topness appealed.

MUSEUM WITHOUT WALLS by Jonathan Meades Unbound, £12.99 I share Meades’s view that there is no such thing as a boring place. This makes you look again at the tedious and is the perfect companion in my peripateti­c work. I see power stations and disused factories in as much detail as the Palace of Versailles.

A RIOT OF OUR OWN: NIGHT AND DAY WITH THE CLASH by Johnny Green Out of print I worked with them a lot. This is by their road manager, with illustrati­ons by the late great Ray Lowry. It talks about how ugly life was before punk, when clothes and music were rotten. Punk was a return to the rock ’n’ roll values put down by Elvis.

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