Daily Express

Cabinet thrashes out Brexit divisions

- By Macer Hall

CABINET ministers held a “productive” meeting in their attempt to thrash out their Brexit difference­s, a Downing Street source said last night.

Boris Johnson, Philip Hammond and other Tory frontbench­ers on Theresa May’s Brexit sub-committee spent two-and-a-half hours yesterday in talks.

They followed a series of rows between Brexit enthusiast­s and more sceptical ministers about how closely the UK should be linked to Brussels after its departure.

Officials were unwilling to disclose details of yesterday’s Downing Street talks, which focused on the issues of migration and the Irish border.

“It was a productive discussion,” the No 10 source said.

But another source said exchanges were “robust” with hard-line Brexiteer and pro-Brussels ministers digging into their entrenched positions, adding: “People did live up to their stereotype­s.”

Insiders fear the talks may become more heated at a second meeting of the sub-committee today as more contentiou­s issues are addressed.

Fresh Tory divisions over Brexit emerged yesterday when MPs who voted Remain in the 2016 referendum called for the UK to join the European Free Trade Associatio­n.

Backbenche­r Stephen Hammond tabled amendments to government legislatio­n which, he claimed, would keep Britain in the “safe harbour” of EFTA, which includes Iceland, Liechtenst­ein, Norway and Switzerlan­d and has close ties to the EU single market.

But Robin Walker, Under Secretary of State at the EU Exit Department, told MPs: “We do not plan to seek membership of EFTA.”

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