Daily Express

Good Samaritan’s bus lane fine overturned by mayor

- By Anil Dawar

A FORMER soldier who was fined after he pulled up in a bus lane on Christmas Day to help a homeless man yesterday saw his penalty cancelled.

Lee Williamson, a keen charity worker, gave hats, gloves, scarves and food to the rough sleeper.

But he was later astonished to be handed a £70 penalty charge for stopping in a bus lane – even though buses were not running.

Following a public outcry, Leicester mayor Peter Soulsby eventually agreed to a U-turn and cancelled the charge. Carpenter Lee Williamson, left, and Mayor Peter Soulsby Mr Williamson, 43, works with the charity Once, We Were Soldiers, which patrols the streets offering homeless veterans help.

He spotted the rough sleeper outside Leicester railway station after taking his daughter, a hotel chef, to work and was caught on CCTV stopping in the bus lane.

Mr Williamson, from Leicester, said: “I’ve had people from all over the world offering support and help.

“I’m just glad common sense prevailed eventually. But it’s been quite a battle and I don’t think it would have happened if I hadn’t gone public. It just goes to show sometimes it pays to stand up to the big boys and I’m relieved I don’t have to pay it now.”

Mayor Soulsby said: “To punish him for doing a good deed on Christmas Day is crazy.

“Fining him is just an absolute and utter nonsense.”

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