Daily Express

Gilbey gin heir ‘attacked his mother, 95, in family bust-up’

- By John Chapman

THE heir to the Gilbey’s gin empire attacked his 95-year-old mother while staying at her home, a court heard yesterday.

Sir Walter Gavin Gilbey, 68, “violently pulled” Lady Elizabeth Gilbey from a chair after an argument broke out between them in her living room, causing significan­t bruising to her chest, it is alleged.

The court was told he also snapped her walking stick into “several pieces” during the attack at her home in Pulborough, Sussex, on August 26 last year.

The Eton-educated baronet, who uses his middle name Gavin, was reported to police five days later. He denied the attack and answered “no comment” when officers tried to question him.

Prosecutor Amanda Burrows told Horsham magistrate­s he had been staying with his mother in the days before the row.

She said: “There was nobody else present as her housekeepe­r was away at the time. Lady Gilbey says the defendant came into the living room.


“The pair became involved in an argument during which Lady Gilbey said her son approached her in what she perceived to be a threatenin­g manner.

“She described placing her wooden walking cane in front to prevent the defendant coming closer. The defendant snatched the cane from her and broke it into several pieces.

“She says he then grabbed her by the arms and violently pulled her from the chair, forcing her to the floor with such force her hearing aid fell from her ear.

“She remained on the floor for a short period of time before picking herself up and walking to a neighbour’s house.”

The court heard she spoke to her neighbours about the alleged attack but police were not called until five days later.

Miss Burrows said: “The police were not contacted but the neighbour went to speak to the defendant. Lady Gilbey’s house- keeper assisted Lady Gilbey with contacting the police on September 1 to report the matter and an investigat­ion commenced.”

The court was shown a photo of a large blackened bruise on Lady Gilbey’s chest which was taken by her daughter after the alleged attack.

The prosecutor said: “She suffered significan­t bruising to her left breast and chest area.” Lady Gilbey was checked by her doctor on September 5, Miss Burrows said.

She added: “In interview the defendant, who was legally represente­d, gave a prepared written statement and refused to answer any further questions.

“He failed to account for how his mother’s cane was broken.”

The prepared statement to police said: “I didn’t assault my mother in any way whatsoever on this occasion or any other occasion. I accept I have taken her walking stick away from her as she was in the process of assaulting me. I didn’t pull my mother from her chair. I didn’t cause any bruising or injury.”

Sir Walter, who lives in the Scottish Highlands, appeared in the dock wearing a grey suit, blue shirt, patterned tie and glasses. He denies a charge of assault.

John Blandford, defending, said: “The defence case is that Lady Gilbey was driving on a regular basis although she had glaucoma.

“The defendant was very concerned about the risk to herself and other road users. On at least two occasions he took her car keys off her, which led to arguments and threats by Lady Gilbey. That, the defence says, is the reason, among others, why she has made a false allegation he assaulted her.”

Dr Timothy Fooks, Lady Gilbey’s GP, told the court: “The injury I was shown was a significan­t bruise which would have been in keeping with what I was informed had occurred.”

The trial continues.

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Eton-educated Sir Walter Gavin Gilbey
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 ??  ?? Sir Walter covers his face as he leaves court yesterday. Above, arriving for the hearing
Sir Walter covers his face as he leaves court yesterday. Above, arriving for the hearing
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